Select the cell again and drag thefill handleicon to the end of the column to fill up the rest of the cells with the formula. As a result, the formula will round up the values to the nearest 5 or 9 in Excel. Breakdown of the Formula RIGHT(B5,1)extracts the last digit from cellB5...
How to Round Down to Nearest Whole Number in Excel Rounding to Nearest Dollar in Excel How to Round to Nearest 10 Cents in Excel How to Round Off to Nearest 50 Cents in Excel << Go Back toRound to Nearest Whole Number|Rounding in Excel|Number Format|Learn Excel...
然而,有时候我们需要四舍五入到整数。在E3单元格,只需输入=ROUND(E3, 0),再次点击确认,E3的内容就自然地四舍五入到最接近的整数(and rounding to the nearest integer with ROUND</)。掌握这些基本的Excel公式,你就能在处理数据时得心应手,无论是数据整理、报告生成还是数据分析,都能轻松...
Comments on: How to round numbers in Excel: ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN functions by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on May 3, 2023 The tutorial explains the uses of ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, FLOOR, CEILING, MROUND and other Excel rounding functions and provides formula examples to round decimal ...
1. Type =ROUNDUP( on the target cell. 2. Type the number or click on the cell address to round up. 3. Complete the next argument. Read here.
The Round Function in Excel consists of two arguments: Number: The first argument is Number; at the place of the number, you should input your targeted numerical value or place value of the number you want to round to a specific decimal place. ...
Rounding can also be applied to time while working with the time input formula as per minutes and hours. Recommended Articles This has been a guide to Rounding in Excel. Here we discussed How to Round Numbers, Time using functions like ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, CEILING, FLOOR, INT, TRUNC, etc., ...
Keep reading to find out how to use this function in the WPS Office. Part 1: What is the Excel Round Function The Excel ROUND function is a mathematical function that allows users to round a given number to a specified number of decimal places. ...
What is round to even in Excel? Round to even also called bankers rounding, basically it is just like normal rounding, except when the number to be rounded on is number 5. If the digit before the 5 is odd, you should round up, and if the digit before the 5 is even, you should ...
The Basics of Excel’s ROUND Function There are three functions to round numbers in Excel: ROUND, ROUNDUP, and ROUNDDOWN. Their difference lies in how they round your numbers: ROUND uses the general Mathematic rule for rounding. The digits that are less than 5 are rounded down. The digits ...