If it is, it moves on to theIF(RIGHT(B5)=”1″,ROUND(B5,-1)-1,ROUND(B5,-1)+5)section, where it checks the last digit is 1. At this point, if it is 1, then it subtracts 1 from the round value, else it adds 5 to the rounded value. IF(RIGHT(B5)=”0″,ROUND(B5,-1)...
=TRUNC(B2*100/2.54/12)&"' "&ROUND(MOD(B2*100/2.54,12),0)&"""请注意: 要在转换后为英寸保留 2 位小数,您可以应用以下公式。 =INT(CONVERT(B2,"m","ft")) & "' " & TEXT(12*(CONVERT(B2,"m","ft")-INT(CONVERT(B2,"m","ft"))),"0.00") & """1.4 ...
Round to Nearest 100.xlsx Further Readings How to Round to Nearest Whole Number in Excel How to Round Down to Nearest Whole Number in Excel Rounding to Nearest Dollar in Excel How to Round to Nearest 10 Cents in Excel How to Round Off to Nearest 50 Cents in Excel << Go Back toRound ...
By dividing the calculation by 5 cents (0.05) and rounding it to 0 decimal places, you can then multiply it by 5 cents (0.05) to get the correct amount. If you wanted to round to the nearest 50 cents you would just replace the two instances of 0.05 with 0.50. Alternatively you could...
=QUOTIENT(B1,B2) = INT(B1/B2) =>1427 Related articles TOP 10 Most Useful Statistics Excel Functions for Data Analysis Function XOR in Excel Round to 10, 25, or 50 cents with Excel Rounding to the Nearest Tenth or Hundredth with Excel...
这个可以参考我的文章 郭大牛:将数字金额转换为中文大写金额的方法24 赞同 · 8 评论文章 ...
The tutorial explains the uses of ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, FLOOR, CEILING, MROUND and other Excel rounding functions and provides formula examples to round decimal numbers to integers or to a certain number of decimal places, extract a fractional part, round to nearest 5, 10 or 100, and mo...
Number: the number you want to round down to nearest integer. 這個公式如何運作 要從單元格B3中提取美元,請使用以下公式: =INT(B3) 媒體推薦Enter獲得美元的關鍵。 解釋 INT功能將數字四捨五入到最接近的整數。 拆分為美分 通用公式 MOD(number, 1) ...
Hello I would like to round to nearest .09 that way every price ends with 9 cents I don't think its possible. Let's say a price is 6.71 I would like it to round down to 6.69. Say a price is 6.76 it rounds up to 6.79. Is this possible? I would like this instead because the...
VBA: Spell out currency numbers to English words in Excel Function SpellNumberToEnglish(ByVal pNumber) 'Updateby20131113 Dim Dollars, Cents arr = Array("", "", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ", " Trillion ") pNumber = Trim(Str(pNumber)) xDecimal = InStr(pNumber, ".") If...