圆形人物(Round character)——即人物形象、性格等塑造得立体,有固定性格,可以通向(小说)较广泛较深远处;扁平人物(Flat character )——与圆形人物相对应,他的性格受某一种事物影响,在小说中的作用是直线的。这两种人物,在小说中共同交织出扣人心弦的情节。
作者可以使用两种方法来传递人物的信息 (deliver information about a character) 和塑造人物形象 (build an image of it)。这两种类型的特征包括: 直接或明确的描述 (Direct or explicit characterization) 这类人物塑造 (characterization)采用了直接塑造角色的方法。它使用另一个角色、叙述者或主角自己来告诉读者或观...
round character是指比较丰富、复杂、多重,有许多矛盾特征的性格。flat character则与此相对,是指比较纯粹、单一的性格。
In reality, no one has a perfect life, which should be the case of your round character as well. There must be an obstacle for the character to overcome, which will form the plot of the story by revealing what is at stake. Conflicts can reveal qualities of your character based on their...
Learn the round character and flat character definitions and understand how they are used in stories. Study examples of round and flat characters...
stock character 小丑角色 round character 多重角色 flat character 单一角色 major character 主要角色 minor character 次要角色 一些著名英文小说的标题和作者及其翻译 Hemingway:The Sun Also Rises 海明威:太阳照常升起 Lawrence:The Rainbow 劳伦斯:虹 James:Heart of Darkness 詹姆斯:黑暗之心 Nabokov:Lolita ...
Characters in a novel, short story, play, or film can be either round or flat. A round character is nuanced and well thought-out. They usually play an important role in the story. They are written specifically so audiences can pay attention to them for a
答案】 Flat characters are minor characters in a work of fiction who do not tend to undergo substantial emotional change or growth. Flat characters are also referred to as "two-dimensional characters, " and are the opposite of round characters. Round character is a major character in a work ...
Use these real-life round character arcs as inspiration for your novel. Before we get into some examples of round characters, it’s important to note that this type of protagonist does not belong in every novel. On occasion, writing a flat character will serve you better. Consider Sherlock ...
FLAT Character vs ROUND Characteris very much a