Perren Research Award 2006. Refers to doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2008.01.031.doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2008.01.035Rommel G. BacabacDaisuke MizunoChristoph F. SchmidtFred C. MacKintoshJack J.W.A. Van LoonJenneke Klein-NulendTheo H. SmitElsevier LtdJournal of Biomechanics...
They were used to evaluate the DNA from a round fruit derived from a somatic mutation of the flat variety ‘UFO-4’, revealing that the mutation affected the flat associated allele (S). Protein BLAST alignment identified significant hits with genes involved in different biological processes. Best...
length-to-width, height-to-length, or height-to-width), are major determinants of peach fruit shape. The optical impression of roundness by the human eye is associated with a height-to-width ratio of about 1.05, subtending to slightly oblate-shaped fruits3. Other shape characters include hei...
Given the high prevalence rates of breast cancer and mastectomy as recommended treatment, a large number of breast cancer survivors assigned female at birth may face contradicting messages about whether to pursue reconstruction. Survivors desire informat