更多例句筛选 1. A rough order of magnitude estimate establishes an approximate cost for a scenario or quality of service requirement. 通过粗数量级估计可获知某方案或服务质量要求的大致成本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. ROM Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate 粗数量级估计 www.zftrans.com隐私...
Rough order of magnitude cost estimate for immobilization of 50 MT of plutonium using existing facilities at the Savannah River site: alternative 12BSavannah River PlantPlutoniumRadioactive Waste ProcessingSolidificationThe purpose of this Cost Estimate Report is to identify preliminary capital and operating...
Some general trends andorders of magnitudebased onrough estimates ofthe distributionofrents in the oil and mining sectors can be identified 粗略估计一下石油和矿业部门收益的分配,即可看出某些一般趋势和大致情况。 MultiUn Although arough order of magnitude/costingofsome $73 million has beenestimatedin re...
As a measure oftherough order ofthecost estimate, it should be noted that the estimate is at a comparableorder of magnitude,taking into account the implementation horizon, with the funding that has already been invested in the development of HA’s CMS ($1.5 billion for 14 year development si...
Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate ("ROM") Order of Magnitude - 数量级Estimated cost based on approximate cost models or expert analysis. It is usually based on top level requirements or specifi ...
Phrases similar to "rough estimate" with translations into Chinese rough order-of-magnitude estimate 粗數量級估計·粗略数量级估计 Add example Translations of "rough estimate" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words all exact any Because they are often ...
[31] 2D-A Skull stripping mean, magnitude and direction K Means & FCM clustering method + RBF, GRNN, PNN, FPNNC tumorous, nontumorous accuracy- 98, OF- 97.9, specificity- 96.9, speed- (kmean-0.273, FCM- 2.9887) [33] 2D-A does not require pre-processing 86 features + CFS Roug...
Fully viscous k_0 of a sheared 2D profile is nearly an order of magnitude higher than the 3D models despite equal \Delta x; we may safely say that the negative effect of contact spots on the fracture permeability easily outweighs any benefits brought by aperture dilation with shear. 3D ...
It can be clearly seen that the concentration of adsorbed MoS2 monomers on polished substrate is ~6 orders of magnitude larger than that on rough surface. Since high concentrations of adsorbed MoS2 monomers will increase the nucleation density, the probability of the formation of multilayer MoS2 ...