只需要pip install rouge, 然后代码里这样调用就行了 fromrougeimportRouge a=["i am a student from xx school"]# 预测摘要 (可以是列表也可以是句子)b=["i am a student from school on china"]#真实摘要rouge=Rouge()rouge_score=rouge.get_scores(a,b)print(rouge_score[0]["rouge-1"])print(rou...
Yes, that's expected. The "official" ROUGE script does a bunch of stemming, tokenization, and other things before calculating the score. The ROUGE metric in here doesn't do any of this, but it's a good enough proxy to use during training for getting a sense of what the score will be...
print('weighted F1-score:', weighted_f1) 输出: {'rouge-1': {'f': 0.9999999949999997, 'p': 1.0, 'r': 1.0}, 'rouge-2': {'f': 0.9999999949999997, 'p': 1.0, 'r': 1.0}, 'rouge-l': {'f': 0.9999999949999997, 'p': 1.0, 'r': 1.0}} weighted F1-score: 0.9999999949999998 参考...
rouge_chinese可能不是一个广为人知的Python库,因此在Python的标准库或常见的第三方库中可能找不到它。你可以尝试在PyPI(Python Package Index)上搜索该库,以确认其是否存在。如果搜索不到,那么很可能这个库不存在或者是一个私有库。寻找可替代的中文ROUGE评估工具或库: ...
Running files2rouge with a wrong eos delimiter may lead to incorrect ROUGE-L score.You may also be interested in a Python implementation (instead of a wrapper): https://github.com/pltrdy/rouge.$ files2rouge --help usage: files2rouge [-h] [-v] [-a ARGS] [-s SAVETO] [-e EOS] ...
Use the ROUGE score when you need a robust evaluation metric for text summarization, machine translation, and other natural language processing tasks, especially when focusing on recall and the ability to capture relevant information from the reference text. ...
引入ROUGE度量是为了“通过将摘要与人类创建的其他(理想的)摘要进行比较,自动确定摘要的质量”[]。在计算任何ROUGE度量时,您将得到一个包含3个参数的AggregateScore对象:low、mid、high。如何计算这些汇总值?例如,在huggingface实现[]中:>>> predictions = ["hello there", "general ken ...
Getting Started 0) Install prerequisites pip install -U git+https://github.com/pltrdy/pyrouge (NOTE:runningpip install pyrougewould not work as the package is out of date on PyPI) 1) Clone the repo, setup the module and ROUGE git clone https://github.com/pltrdy/files2rouge.gitcdfiles...
In case of doubts, please see all the implemented tests to compare outputs between the official ROUGE-1.5.5 and this script. Installation Package is uploaded onPyPI <https://pypi.org/project/py-rouge>_. You can install it with pip: ...
Rouge(metrics=['rouge-n', 'rouge-l', 'rouge-w'], max_n=4, limit_length=True, length_limit=100, length_limit_type='words', apply_avg=apply_avg, apply_best=apply_best, alpha=0.5, # Default F1_score weight_factor=1.2, stemming=True) hypothesis_1 = "King Norodom Sihanouk has ...