What sets the ROUGE score apart is its Python implementation. It empowers developers and researchers to calculate and interpret these scores with ease, making the process of gauging model performance both practical and effective.The ROUGE score remains at the heart of progress as NLP continues to ...
A full Python librarie for the ROUGE metric in Chinese Language Task(paper). 专用于计算中文rouge指标的python库。 Difference This library based on thecodefrom pltrdy. Using the original code to compute rouge score in Chinese would meet some problems. For example, the stack overflow issue would ...
这是一篇一本正经无聊的小研究项目。。 互联网现在面临很多新网络文体,比如弹幕文体、小红书的种草文体...
pip install -U git+https://github.com/pltrdy/pyrouge (NOTE:runningpip install pyrougewould not work as the package is out of date on PyPI) 1) Clone the repo, setup the module and ROUGE git clone https://github.com/pltrdy/files2rouge.gitcdfiles2rouge python setup_rouge.py python set...
Python fromazure.ai.evaluationimportRougeScoreEvaluator, RougeType rouge_evaluator = RougeScoreEvaluator(rouge_type=RougeType.ROUGE_4) rouge_evaluator(response="Paris is the capital of France.", ground_truth="France's capital is Paris.")
You may also be interested in a Python implementation (instead of a wrapper): https://github.com/pltrdy/rouge.$ files2rouge --help usage: files2rouge [-h] [-v] [-a ARGS] [-s SAVETO] [-e EOS] summary reference Calculating ROUGE score between two files (line-by-line) positional ...