罗特尼斯岛(Rottnest Island)位于西澳大利亚州首府珀斯(Perth)西北方向18公里处的印度洋海面上,岛上除了盐水湖以及美丽的海景之外,更有生存于岛上濒临灭绝的”澳洲短尾矮袋鼠“。罗特尼斯岛是一个狭长型的岛屿,大约11公里长,罗特尼斯岛由于海平面上升,而与澳洲大陆分离形成了岛屿,罗特尼斯岛整个海岸线,都遍布着白...
提示:地址:Rottnest Island, West Perth Australia 海滨/沙滩 游玩时间: 建议1-3天 官方网站: http://www.rottnestisland.com http://www.rottnestexpress.com.au 开放时间: 全天开放 门票信息: 去小岛上的所有旅行者都要交给政府入岛费具体费用为当天往 返的成人17澳元,儿童6澳元,非当天往返的成人22...
羅特尼斯島(Rottnest Island)指南 原住民名稱:Wadjemup(讀音為「Wad-jem-up」) 歡迎 原住民 前往羅特尼斯島 最佳旅遊時節 無障礙設施 若想放鬆身心並為自己充充電,不妨前往羅特尼斯島,遠離都市的繁忙喧囂,享受美好的田園假期。 羅特尼斯島距離珀斯(Perth)的海岸僅19公里(12英里),環境恬淡幽靜,令人有如置身於世外...
Rottnest Island, just a short ferry ride from Perth, feels a world away from city life. Rottnest Island was separated from the Western Australian mainland around 7,000 years ago when the sea level rose. The first records of human occupation of Rottnest Island date back more than 6,500 ...
Lying just 19 kilometres off the coast of Fremantle, Wadjemup / Rottnest Island sits so tantalisingly close to the mainland that it can be seen on the horizon.
海联罗特尼斯岛 (Rottnest Island) Pier 3 Barrack Street Jetty, Perth, Western Australia, 6000 添加到愿望清单添加到愿望清单 参考价 $55.00 - $130.00 位置 Pier 3 Barrack Street Jetty, Perth, Western Australia, 6000 电话 +61 8 9325 9352
1 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, 6000 电话 +61 413 173 794 会员 设施 活动 奖励 客容量 体能水平 Sustainable Tourism Accredited Business Quality Tourism Endorsed Business 访问网站 住宿(261) 旅游产品 (720) 活动盛事 (169) 景点(431) ...
The quokka's range is a small area of southwestern Australia. They inhabit some smaller islands off the coast of Western Australia, particularly Rottnest Island just off Perth. Quokkas there have become very accustomed to humans. The species is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN (The International...