罗特尼斯岛(Rottnest Island)位于西澳大利亚州首府珀斯(Perth)西北方向18公里处的印度洋海面上,岛上除了盐水湖以及美丽的海景之外,更有生存于岛上濒临灭绝的”澳洲短尾矮袋鼠“。罗特尼斯岛是一个狭长型的岛屿,大约11公里长,罗特尼斯岛由于海平面上升,而与澳洲大陆分离形成了岛屿,罗特尼斯岛整个海岸线,都遍布着白...
fremantle最少也要多半天才可游完。建议:18号、19号都住珀斯市区吧,拿着行李乘船去rottnest island...
20-minute scenic flight from Perth to Rottnest Island Ferry transfer from Rottnest Island to Perth or Fremantle 4-hour Catch and Dine experience Cruise along the stunning island coastline via luxury charter boat Catch your own Western Rock Lobster during an interactive lobster pot-pulling experience ...
Boat to Rottnest Island depart Fremantle, Perth and Hillarys. Surfing Rottnest, Sailing to Rottnest Island, accommodation rottnest island map of rottnest island
Perth 第二天 #Rottnest Island# 一早看错了大巴时间 错过了第一班轮船然后又重新买票打车过去赶上了第二班和Spencer租了自行车环岛骑行沿途发现了小鸭子一家 巨可爱随处可见的微笑矮袋鼠 吃树叶 山楂巨可爱要离岛的时候看到了孔雀开屏离岛的时候差点上不了船真是有惊有险又无险的一天 2澳大利亚·珀斯 ...
跳伞超过罗特尼斯岛 (Rottnest Island) 4.乘坐拖拉机游览乡村苹果酒 珀斯山区 (Perth Hills)距离酒店仅有30分钟车程,但感觉像法国省。位于皮克林布鲁克的核心苹果酒屋充分利用其连绵起伏的丘陵,上面蚀刻着一排排苹果,梨,李子和其他果树。春天的花朵,当花瓣像雪一样散落时,令人叹为观止。倚靠在木制品酒...
We booked on line with Rottnest Express for the ferry ride from Perth to Rottnest Island with Bikes for two adults. We enjoyed the narrated tour over to the island and was impressed with the streamlined operations for bike/safety helmet issue once we disem...
Add-on a snorkel set at check-out to discover the island’s beautiful marine life. Pedal to Wadjemup Lighthouse or race to the West End. Discover the many different bays and beaches. Be sure to meet a smiling quokka and snap a selfie! Leave Rottnest Island on the 4:30 pm ferry, ...
PART 01 Face to Face! 认识新动物朋友 在罗特尼斯岛(Rottnest Island) 给短尾矮袋鼠拍张照 在这个离珀斯(Perth) 仅30分钟的世外桃源 便能遇见西澳的“顶流”——短尾矮袋鼠 当它亮晶晶的大眼睛 好奇地打量着你并微笑 快抓准时机凑近 定格下这激萌一幕!