ros2 run tf2_tools view_frames返回的怎么看 一launch file 介绍 在运行ros程序时我们往往需要在不同终端启动多个不同的节点,这会让人有些沮丧。幸运的是,ROS 提供了一个同时启动节点管理器(master)和多个节点的途径,即使用启动文件(launch file)。事实上,在 ROS 功能包中,启动文件的使用是非常普遍的。任何包...
“rosrun tf view_frames”运行失败 TypeError: cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object 1 Listening to /tf for 5.0 seconds 2 Done Listening 3 b'dot - graphviz version 2.43.0 (0)\n' 4 Traceback (most recent call last): 5 File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/tf/view_frames", line...
#3089 There were a couple of non-Pi cases of the error where updating the camera firmware driver resolved it. Author drinkBrcommentedAug 13, ...
.. * /camera/camera_stream/width: 0 * /rosdistro: melodic * /rosversion: 1.14.5 NODES /camera/ camera_image_view (image_view/image_view) camera_stream (video_stream_opencv/video_stream) auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [7271] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:...
解决方法 终端中运行 1 sudo vim /opt/ros/noetic/lib/tf/view_frames 然后打开的VIM编辑中修改代码 1m ='utf-8'))