Rose, Thorn, Bud可译为玫瑰、荆棘、芽。这是一个反思模型,用来复盘每周或每日的活动,其中Rose(玫瑰)代表的是积极的事项,Thorn(荆棘)代表遇到问题/可能需要支持的地方,Bud代表应当关注或培养的新方法/好方法,这个模型可以让你扪心自问过去的表现,构思可能的最佳前进方向. 如果你赶时间,请优先看第三个大标题的内容...
太有意思了 rose,thorn,bud 今天你有没有什么玫瑰色的瞬间? 今天有没有什么挑战刺激你? 今天你有没有萌发什么new ideas?【转发】@:抱歉,根据作者设置的微博可见时间范围,此微博已不可见。
Welcome to our series onDesign Thinking methods and activities. You’ll find a full list of posts in this series at the end of the page. Rose, Bud, Thorn may be the most commonly used Design Thinking activity at Atomic due to its versatility and ease of use. Rose, Bud, Thorn First l...
This is my first thread 🙂 and i'm excited to share this, which I learned from one of my favourite teachers at university. Basically, you give an answer to what your rose, thorn and bud is. A rose is something good that happened to you today. A thorn is something that challenged ...
Rose, thorn, bud class activity FigJam board • 14 • 242 users Open in FigJamAbout Comments 0 This FigJam template is designed as a reflection exercise that prompts students to recognize positive experiences, identify areas requiring support, and foster goal-setting initiatives. Made by: Judy...
Identify the positive outcomes and the challenges ahead to improve your processes with the Rose, Bud, Thorn Template.
Rose Thorn Bud (RTB) Idea Prioritization Team retrospectives (retro, in short) allow us to reflect on what went well, what did not go well, and what we can improve on based on our recently completed sprint. It’s a time for us to learn from our successes and challenges with the obje...
Share your Rose (what's working), Thorn (where you want help), and the Bud (what's coming next). We meet the 1st Wednesday each month. By David Berg - Homes on the Sound 217 followers Follow Select date and time Friday, March 7 · 9 - 11am PST More options Friday March 7 9:...