Rose, Thorn, Bud可译为玫瑰、荆棘、芽。这是一个反思模型,用来复盘每周或每日的活动,其中Rose(玫瑰)代表的是积极的事项,Thorn(荆棘)代表遇到问题/可能需要支持的地方,Bud代表应当关注或培养的新方法/好方法,这个模型可以让你扪心自问过去的表现,构思可能的最佳前进方向. 如果你赶时间,请优先看第三个大标题的内容...
Rose, Bud, Thorn may be the most commonly used Design Thinking activity at Atomic due to its versatility and ease of use. Rose, Bud, Thorn First let’s begin with some definitions: a.Rose= something that is working well or something positive b.Bud= an area of opportunity or idea yet t...
太有意思了 rose,thorn,bud 今天你有没有什么玫瑰色的瞬间? 今天有没有什么挑战刺激你? 今天你有没有萌发什么new ideas?【转发】@:抱歉,根据作者设置的微博可见时间范围,此微博已不可见。
Rose, thorn, bud class activity FigJam board • 14 • 242 users Open in FigJamAbout Comments 0 This FigJam template is designed as a reflection exercise that prompts students to recognize positive experiences, identify areas requiring support, and foster goal-setting initiatives. Made by: Judy...
Identify the positive outcomes and the challenges ahead to improve your processes with the Rose, Bud, Thorn Template.
Finally, a bud is something you are looking forward to! I find this is a great activity to get to know people, as well as reflect on your day! I'll start! Rose - I had a nice sleep in today. Bud - I'm trying to balance my technology use. Thorn - I'm looking forward to ...
This is a retrospective template that includes: Intro (Emoji check-in and icebreakers)Rose Thorn Bud (RTB)Idea Prioritization Team retrospectives (retro, in short) allow us to reflect on what went well, what did not go well, and what we can improve on b
Share your Rose (what's working), Thorn (where you want help), and the Bud (what's coming next). We meet the 1st Wednesday each month. By David Berg - Homes on the Sound 217 followers Follow Select date and time Friday, March 7 · 9 - 11am PST More options Friday March 7 9:...