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GzmbCre;Rosa26ACTB-tdTomato, -EGFP/+ mice have a low frequency of GFP+ mature NK cells.Xu, YiyingEvaristo, CésarAlegre, MariaLuisaGurbuxani, SandeepL. Kee, Barbara
A schematic description of the Rosa26R-Sox2-IRES-GFP allele targeting scheme.Yun, LuChristopher, FuttnerJason, R. RockXia, XuWalter, WhitworthBrigid, L. M. HoganMark, W. Onaitis
Uniform Loss of Label in Adult β Cells Following Pulse–Chase with Pdx1-tTA; tetO-H2BGFP and Rosa26-rtTA; tetO-H2BGFP MiceKristen, BrennandDanwei, HuangfuDoug, Melton
EF1a-GFP targeting in the pRosa26 locus.Kong, QingranHai, TangMa, JingHuang, TianqingJiang, DandanXie, BingtengWu, MeilingWang, JiaqiangSong, YuranWang, Ying