emersonknappmentioned this issueJul 28, 2021 Type Description Distribution (REP-2011 subset / REP-2016) - formerly "message definitions on-the-wire"ros2/ros2#1159 Closed 14 tasks danthony06mentioned this issueAug 24, 2021 Add ROS2 supportswri-robotics/bag-database#129 ...
logger, "Invalid number of parameters\nusage: " "ros2 run learning_tf2_cpp static_turtle_tf2_broadcaster " "child_frame_name x y z roll pitch yaw"); return 1; } // As the parent frame of the transform is `world`, it is // necessary to check that the frame name passed is differ...
I’m currently trying to complete the ROS 2 Navigation (Galactic) course. However, on part 3 “How to localize the robot in the environment” I run into an error when using acml. The error I receive is that “Frame [map] does not exist” when I open Rviz2. I tried debugging for a...
SUCCESS: The future is complete and can be accessed with "get" without blocking. This does not indicate that the operation succeeded; "get" may still throw an exception. INTERRUPTED: The future is not complete, spinning was interrupted by Ctrl-C or another error. TIMEOUT: Spinning timed out...
- The test engineer will fully test the new functions and issues proposed in the step 1. If there is a problem, the relevant developers are required to submit the repair code to the `devel` branch timely according to the method of fixing the problem. - If tests are passed, the cod...
Create and return a publisher of the given MessageT type. More... template<typename ServiceT , typename CallbackT > rclcpp::Service< ServiceT >::SharedPtr create_service (std::shared_ptr< node_interfaces::NodeBaseInterface > node_base, std::shared_ptr< node_interfaces::NodeServicesInterface...
started core service [/rosout] process[joint_state_controller_spawner-2]: started with pid [11698] process[robot_state_publisher-3]: started with pid [11700] process[gazebo-4]: started with pid [11701] process[gazebo_gui-5]: started with pid [11705] ...
// Check if the service is ready if (spawner_->service_is_ready()) { // Initialize request with turtle name and coordinates // Note that x, y and theta are defined as floats in turtlesim/srv/Spawn auto request = std::make_shared<turtlesim::srv::Spawn::Request>(); ...