$ sudo ds4drv [Remote PC] 运行joy节点 $ ros2 run joy joy_node [Remote PC] 运行控制节点 $ ros2 run teleop_twist_joy teleop_node
本演示是为Xbox 1控制器编写的,但可以通过更改 joystick_servo_example.cpp文件轻松修改以使用任何与Joy软件包兼容的控制器。 要运行本演示,请确保已插上您的控制器并且可以被ros2 run joy joy_node命令检测到。这通常会在插入控制器后自动发生。然后用以下命令来启动本演示: ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials servo...
使用游戏手柄。http://wiki.ros.org/joy http://wiki.ros.org/joy/Tutorials 改端口:$ rosparam set joy_node/dev "/dev/input/jsX" $ rosrun joy joy_node [ INFO] [1479386460.876856645]: Opened joystick: /dev/input/js1. deadzone_: 0.050000. 1. 2. /joy ---...
$ rosrun joy joy_node [ INFO] [1479386460.876856645]: Opened joystick: /dev/input/js1. deadzone_: 0.050000. 1. /joy --- header: seq: 67 stamp: secs: 1479386572 nsecs: 656102330 frame_id: '' axes: [-0.0, 0.07760214805603027, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] buttons: [0, 0, 0, 0, ...
ros2 run joy joy_node And the following, in a new terminal: ros2 run joy_tester test_joy This opens a GUI window like the one shown below, Click each button and move each stick of the gamepad to confirm that the actions are shown in GUI. The numbers correspond to the axis of the...
intra_process_demo two_node_pipeline intra_process_demo watermark_node joy joy_node lifecycle lifecycle_listener lifecycle lifecycle_service_client lifecycle lifecycle_service_client_py.py lifecycle lifecycle_talker map_server map_saver map_server map_server ...
步骤: 单命令模式: launch `ros2 pkg prefix turtlebot2_teleop`/share/turtlebot2_teleop/launch/turtlebot_joy.py 多命令模式: 启动底盘: ros2 run turtlebot2_drivers kobuki_node 启动游戏杆: ros2 run joy joy_node 参考: https://github.com/ros2/turtlebot2_demo...
PLUGIN"Radar24GHz4DReader"EXECUTABLE radar_component_node ) ament_export_targets(export_radar_component)install(TARGETS radar_componentEXPORTexport_radar_component ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib LIBRARY DESTINATION lib RUNTIME DESTINATION bin ) 1.2 更新package.xml ...
➜ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard 2. 遥控手柄控制 2.1 安装 sudo apt-get install ros-galactic-teleop-twist-joy 对照teleop-twist-joy源码,只需要下面2步 复制launch文件 配置遥控手柄的config文件 teleop_twist_joy_node:ros__parameters:axis_linear:# 遥感索引1的值表示控制linear ...
ros2 launch teleop_twist_joy teleop-launch.py joy_config:='xbox' Note:this launch file also launches thejoynode so do not run it separately. Arguments joy_config (string, default: 'ps3') Config file to use joy_dev (string, default: '0') ...