ros2 launch:启动 ROS2 应用程序,可以同时启动多个节点。 ros2 launch<package_name><launch_file_name> ros2 pkg:用于操作 ROS2 软件包,包括创建 package、指定包名、编译方式、依赖项、节点名等。 ros2 pkg create<package_name>--build-type<build_type> --node-name<node_name> --dependencies<your_depe...
我们需要导入两个库,一个叫做LaunchDescription,用于对launch文件内容进行描述,一个是Node,用于声明节点所在的位置。 注意这里要定一个名字叫做generate_launch_description的函数,ROS2会对该函数名字做识别。 # 导入库 from launch import LaunchDescription from launch_ros.actions import Node def generate_launch_descr...
The launch file in this example launches two nodes, one of which is a node with a managed lifecycle (a “lifecycle node”). Lifecycle nodes launched through launch_ros automatically emit events when they transition between states. The events can then be acted on through the launch framework, ...
The launch file inthis examplelaunches two nodes, one of which is a node with amanaged lifecycle(a “lifecycle node”). Lifecycle nodes launched through launch_ros automatically emit events when they transition between states. The events can then be acted on through the launch framework, e.g....
节点(Node):这是ROS2的基本运行单位,每个节点都是一个可执行文件,可以独立运行。 启动文件(Launch File):这是用于配置和启动一个或多个节点的文件,通常以.launch.py为扩展名。 参数文件(Parameter File):这是用于配置节点的参数的文件,通常以.yaml为扩展名。
ros2 run一次只能开启一个node,如果一次开启一组相关node,需要使用ros2 launch。 支持Python,XML, 和 YAML。 推荐Python。 代码语言:javascript 复制 zhangrelay@LAPTOP-5REQ7K1L:~$ ros2 run-husage:ros2 run[-h][--prefixPREFIX]package_name executable_name...Run apackagespecific executable ...
Q6:ROS2 xml格式的launch文件中,rviz2节点无法读取配置文件 原xml: <launch> <arg name="rviz_config_path" default="$(find package_name)/launch/rviz2_config/config_test02.rviz" /> <node pkg="package_name" exec="test_02" name="test_02" output="screen"> </node> <node pkg="rviz2" exe...
Feature request Add a commandline option --delay, which sleeps for the specified amount of time before starting to publish messages. This delay should also happen in between loops, when looping playback. Original Ticket I want to use the...
launch_ros.actions.Node( package='realsense2_camera', namespace=LaunchConfiguration('camera_namespace' + param_name_suffix), name=LaunchConfiguration('camera_name' + param_name_suffix), executable='realsense2_camera_node', parameters=[params, params_from_file], output=LaunchConfiguration('output'...
修改, 里面的使用node_executable,改为executable 查看点云话题 ros2 topic echo /velodyne_points 效果如下: --- header: stamp: sec: 1664272227 nanosec: 745203968 frame_id: velodyne height: 1824 width: 16 fields: - name: x offset: 0 datatype: 7 count: 1 -...