项目地址: https://github.com/cabinx/ros2_bag_to_image做数据集需要从ros2的数据包中提取图片,在github找到了开源的项目: https://github.com/MapIV/ros2_bag_to_image但是该项目是运行在ros2 rolling版本上…
Adding to the previous answer, here is a NOT ros-dependent code that can deserialize a ros2 bag to images (frames) from there you can do whatever you want with them. from rosbags.highlevel import AnyReader from pathlib import Path import cv2 from rosbags.image import message_to_cvi...
$ ros2 bag record /ros2_robot/duckiebot_node/image 1. 2. 3. 4. 可以看到当前目录下创建了一个以rosbag2+时间戳的目录,目录下有一个metadata.yaml文件,内容是数据记录的相关信息介绍,另外一个db3格式文件,就是我们记录下来的主题数据。 $ ros2 bag record -o subset /ros2_robot/duckiebot_node/ima...
ROS2部分读取对应的文件夹,并将对应的文件publish出来,并通过ros2 bag record的方式录制。 importcv2importrclpyfrom rclpy.nodeimportNodefrom sensor_msgs.msgimportImagefrom cv_bridgeimportCvBridgefrom cv_bridgeimportCvBridge,CvBridgeErrorclassImage_Publisher(Nod...
ros2 bag rocord 是仿真时间吗 ros的gazebo仿真调参,想要在ROS系统中对我们的机器人进行仿真,需要使用gazebo。gazebo是一种适用于复杂室内多机器人和室外环境的仿真环境。它能够在三维环境中对多个机器人、传感器及物体进行仿真,产生实际传感器反馈和物体之间的物理响应
How to use (1) Decode ROSABG The recorded ROSBAG are firstly decoded into .png for image and .pcd for points cloud. Build the project in the ROS workspace cdcatkin_ws catkin_make [Optional] Setup the parameters inmap_generation_node.cppto achieve the rotation and translation of the coordin...
I am using ROS2-Iron on Ubuntu 22.04 to filter points in a LiDAR point cloud from a rosbag, based on the following criteria: (1) points with intensity values below a certain threshold, and (2) points ... point-clouds ros2 kdtree pcl Abbas 107 asked Oct 17 at 18:00 0 votes ...
Add a description, image, and links to therosbag2topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. Curate this topic To associate your repository with therosbag2topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics."...
有硬件直接上,没有可以选择仿真,或者使用bag包简单查看一下安装是否完成。 rosbag下载地址: https://projects.asl.ethz.ch/datasets/doku.php?id=kmavvisualinertialdatasets#downloads http://robotics.ethz.ch/~asl-datasets/ijrr_euroc_mav_dataset/
最后一个实验显示了当前实现在需要进程内和进程间通信的情况下的性能。 该测试包括在 RaspberryPi 2 上运行 Sierra Nevada,并在单独的台式计算机上,在单个节点订阅来自 Sierra Nevada 的所有可用主题。 此用例在使用 或 等工具时很常见。rosbagrviz 这些结果表明,如果不同进程中至少有一个节点,则在当前实现中,最好...