ROS wrapper由两个 ROS 节点组成——第一个是 AirSim 的多旋翼C++ 客户端库的包装器,第二个是一个简单的 PD 位置控制器。 关于订阅和发布节点,参数与service可以参考网址: PID位置控制器节点可以参考: https://microsoft.github.i...
Note:Thezed_interfacespackage has been removed from this repository and moved to its ownzed-ros-interfacesrepositoryto allow better integration of the ZED Wrapper on remote ground stations that do not require the full package to be installed. To update your repository please follow thenew update i...
1. 使用ros2 run启动相机节点 基础命令: ros2 run realsense2_camera realsense2_camera_node 这个命令会启动realsense2_camera_node,即 RealSense 相机的核心驱动节点。它会初始化相机并开始发布数据。 带参数的命令(启用空间和时间滤波器,禁用彩色图像): ros2 run realsense2_camera realsense2_camera_node --ros...
$ sudo apt-get install...git clone ~/rosws/src/zed-ros-wrapper$ git zed相机用zed_cup_ros 跑ORB_SLAM2 由于自己的电脑没有NVIDIA的显卡,下载官方的驱动的ros驱动需要安装CUDA,所以在网上找的一个大佬的 Yolact Yolact是用在做instance segmentation的工具。官网链接。相比与经典的MASK-RCNN,其MASK的质量更高,更贴近物体原本的轮廓。但是Yolact1版本的mAP稍低,第二版本的高一些。我在Yolact 的ROS wrapper里提供的功能是每接收一张图片,在进行分割之后,输出黑白图片,...
To update the repository to the latest release you must use the following command to retrieve the latest commits ofzed-ros-wrapperand of all the submodules: $ git checkout master # if you are not on the main branch $ git pull --recurse-submodules # update recursively all the submodules...
It seems that the ROS-Wrapper haven't published the topics because the color, depth and IR frames haven't provided by the camera (according to this print: "Frame didn't arrived within 5000"). I managed to reproduce this issue and found that it's a firmware bug which going to be fixed...
安装ROS Wrapper 直接按照github上的教程即可: 1、建立workspace,已经有的可以跳过 mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ catkin_init_workspace cd .. catkin_make echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc ...
Solved: ROS2 wrapper works; but ROS1 wrapper would thhrow many mwessages after starting the node:
For the information being provided, we still understand that you are looking into configuring ROS, as mentioned below: "I need to configure a ROS 2 Foxy wrapper to bind the IPCF on the A53 core." Which does not seem to be handled by NXP directly. For ROS configuration, we do recommend...