ros2(humble) launch 文件调试 7 个月前 rocky me关注 1. 背景 最近在学习开源项目vrx,这是一个水面机器人开发模拟环境。仿真的部分使用的是gazebo, 通过bridge可以实现和ros的通信。环境自带了一些world(水面环境)和model(水上机器人),完成度非常高。如果能够好好掌握应该会极大的提高科研效率。 虽然项目本身...
因此,对 launch 文件的调试需求逐渐凸显。系统配置:WSL Ubuntu-22.04、ROS 版本 Humble、Visual Studio Code Version 1.89.1。首先,创建了 文件,并安装到 install 目录下。使用 colcon 构建,若已创建 jsons.task,可通过 shift+ctrl+b 执行默认构建任务。执行构建命令时,使用 --syml... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ros2 launch -h usage: ros2 launch [-h] [-n] [-d] [-p |-s] [-a] [--launch-prefix LAUNCH_PREFIX] [--launch-prefix-filter LAUNCH_PREFIX_FILTER] package_name [launch_file_name] [launch_arguments ...]...
ROS_DISTRO=humble Domain ID (The ROS_DOMAIN_ID) export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1 echo "export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1" >> ~/.bashrc 只在本机通信(不设置,为网络内都可以) export ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1 2、编译sllidar_ros2 mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src cd ~/ros2_ws/src 复制sllidar_ros2 colcon build --...
Tools for launching multiple processes and for writing tests involving multiple processes. - launch/architecture.rst at humble · ros2/launch
I have been having this issue for over a couple of weeks and I have asked before but there has been no response. I have tried restarting the exercise multiple times but no change. Please could someone help thanks.
I am working on the project of the ros2 action project and while running the launch file of the action server I am getting this error " Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): executable ‘actions_quiz_serv…
启动launch教程 ROS 2 Launch 文件允许同时启动和配置多个包含 ROS 2 节点的可执行文件。 学习启动 1 创建 ROS 2 启动文件。 本教程将展示如何创建一个启动文件,该文件将同时启动节点及其配置。 代码语言:javascript 复制 from launchimportLaunchDescription ...
Hello Masters, I’m doing the Unit 3 topic_quiz and I tried to launch the launch file as below but got the error not found but the launch file is located at topics_quiz/launch directory, I’m not sure why it goes to loo…