I would like to display color and depth data from bag file recorded by Realsense Viewer with rviz. roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_from_file.launch rosbag_filename:="/home/yassine/Destktop/cap.bag" but I got No Image received Intel Realsense D415 ubuntu version 18.04.4 rosdistro: melodic...
I’m currently trying to complete the ROS 2 Navigation (Galactic) course. However, on part 3 “How to localize the robot in the environment” I run into an error when using acml. The error I receive is that “Frame [map] does not exist” when I open Rviz2. I tried debugging for a...
Hello, I am using ZED2 camera to run rtabmap, under ros2 foxy, on a Jetson Orin Nano device. When I launch rtabmap, no map is published, and rviz shows "No map received" under the /rtabmap/map topic, as shown in the figure below: The rta...
底层过程:当点击RViz中【2D Pose Estimate】按钮时,Rviz就会发布/initialpose话题,对于定位包nav2_amcl来说,当initial_pose_sub_接收到/initialpose话题时,就会启动粒子初始化函数initialPoseReceived()从而完成粒子初始化。对应的代码如下(navigation2-foxy-devel/nav2_amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp): ...
如何导入一个auv模型在gazebo里成功模拟,现已导成了一个urdf文件并且可以在RVIZ中展示(如图),本模型如图有四个侧推器和一个尾部螺旋桨,推进器和螺旋桨的模型不同,该如何导入,有大佬做过的给个思路嘛😭 985606432 10-13 6 下载两个ros2 村东头的... 在ubuntu上下载了两个ros2,一个是humble,另一个是...
amcl不起作用,雷达点云无法显示,rviz中设置初始位置的2D无效 No laser scan received (and thus no pose updates have been published) for 34139472.000000 seconds. Verify that data is being published on the /scan topic. 1. 原因: 查看tf树,发现没有base_link 到 laser 的tf坐标变换,在设置坐标系的launc...
WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published? In Rviz: The robot does not move, and a blue line appears( inside the red ellipse). 111653×563 19.3 KB I have chosen a goal that is in front of the start pose so I can make sure every thing is...
[ INFO] [1611595812.911193942, 2.730000000]: odom received! rviz1008×556 52.6 KB lukasz.mitka Jan 2021 I have made few changes to your move base configuration files: Global costmap: global_costmap:global_frame:mapupdate_frequency:0.5publish_frequency:1.5transform_tolerance:1.0width:16height:16origin...
和前面在Cartographer中一样,我们需要创建一个文件夹放置配置文件、launch文件、rviz配置和地图等。 进入到src目录下,使用下面指令创建功能包: ros2 pkg create fishbot_navigation2 --dependencies nav2_bringup 这里我们添加了一个依赖nav2_bringup,后面写launch文件要用到,这里提前添加一下依赖。
-- rviz open_rviz 参数为 true时,打开rviz--><groupif="$(arg open_rviz)"><nodepkg="rviz"type="rviz"name="rviz"required="true"args="-d $(find robot_navigation)/rviz/slam.rviz"/><!-- 使用rviz文件夹中预置的配置文件slam.rviz --></group></launch>...