针对你提出的问题“warning: ros_python_version is unset. defaulting to 3”,这是在使用ROS(Robot Operating System)时遇到的一个警告信息,表明ros_python_version环境变量未设置,系统将默认使用Python 3。以下是对该问题的详细解答: 理解错误信息: ros_python_version is unset. defaulting to 3:这条警告信息...
WARNING: ROS_PYTHON_VERSION is unset. Defaulting to 3 ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies (ROS distro is not set. Make sureROS_DISTROenvironment variable is set, or use--rosdistrooption to specify the distro, e.g.--rosdistro...
is quite annoying 'cause I am making some changes in ROS version of Open VSLAM that is why I need to reinstall remove\install libg2o from ros directory before every build. I've solved this just by installing g2o to /opt/ros/ros_version dir (by setting cmake param -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREF...