1. 安装 realsense2_camera and its dependents, including librealsense2 library: sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-realsense2-camera 2. 安装 realsense2_description : sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-realsense2-description 3. start the camera node in ROS: roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launc...
realsense-ros: 2.3.2 OS: ubuntu 20.04 ros: noetic librealsense2: 2.54.1 Installing by using Method 2. Part of compiling log: Starting >>> realsense2_camera Starting >>> realsense2_description Finished <<< realsense2_description [ 0.1 seconds ] ___ Errors << realsense2_camera:make /hom...
realsense2_camera is available as a debian package of ROS distribution. It can be installed by typing: exportROS_VER=kinetic or exportROS_VER=melodic or exportROS_VER=noetic Then install the ros packages using the environment variable created above: ...
* Add noetic support: - urdf files. - change state_publisher into robot_state_publisher * correct offset between camera_link and base_link * Contributors: Brice, Marco Camurri, doronhi * upgrade version to 2.2.13 14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions 14 realsense2_description/CMakeLists...
注意1:在 Ubuntu20.04 与 ROS Noetic 环境下,gazebo 启动异常以及解决 问题1:VMware: vmw_ioctl_command error Invalid argument(无效的参数) 解决: echo "export SVGA_VGPU10=0" >> ~/.bashrc source .bashrc 问题2:[Err] [http://REST.cc:205] Error in REST request ...
踩坑,在github下载相机模型后,记得安装相机资源包sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-realsense2-description 2023-04-07 22:113回复 枣梨姜芥 运行view_ur5_with_gripper.launch时,报错,找不到realsense2_description这个功能包 2023-02-05 12:193回复 嘎啦嘎啦234回复@枣梨姜芥 :哥这是啥意思我是新手听不大懂...
$ sudo rm -r turtlebot3_description/ turtlebot3_teleop/ turtlebot3_navigation/ turtlebot3_slam/ turtlebot3_example/ 1. 2. $ cd ~/catkin_ws/ $ rm -rf build/ devel/ $ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make -j1 1. 2. 3. [RemotePC] ...
ROS1(noetic,melodic,kinetic,indigo): 注意:xacro,sdf等格式适合Gazebo,urdf格式适合rviz。 代码语言:javascript 复制 rosrun xacro xacro-o model_out.urdf model_in.urdf.xacro 使用如下命令打开一个机器人模型(此处不要求掌握,后续详细介绍): roslaunch robot1_description display.launch model:=robot1_base1....
The notebook has an Intel i9-11980HK processor and an RTX3080 GPU, with 64 GB RAM and 16 GB of video memory, and they are configured with Ubuntu 20.04, ROS1 Noetic, and ROS2 Foxy. The sensor adopts Realsense D455 or ZED 2i, and they have an IMU and multiple cameras. The ...
The notebook has an Intel i9-11980HK processor and an RTX3080 GPU, with 64 GB RAM and 16 GB of video memory, and they are configured with Ubuntu 20.04, ROS1 Noetic, and ROS2 Foxy. The sensor adopts Realsense D455 or ZED 2i, and they have an IMU and multiple cameras. The ...