ROS driver to parse NMEA strings and publish standard ROS NavSat message types. Does not require the GPSD daemon to be running. This package has no released Code API. The ROS API documentation and other information can be found at ...
明确驱动、sdk以及ROS驱动的概念,然后介绍实现ROS驱动的几种途径,最后以nmea_navsat_driver包为例,介绍在ROS系统中,如何获取,解析以及发布gps数据。 5. ROS传感器之IMU简介
catkin_make ②安装nmea_msgs 在运行程序的过程中提示找不到nmea_msgs,下载并编译nmea_msgs,做法与nmea_navsat_driver类似。 # 在工作空间的src文件夹中下载文件((如果直接下载,名字是nmea_navsat_driver-master,需把-master去掉) git clone # 进入工作空间根目录,...
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-nmea-navsat-drive libgps-dev 2、打开新Terminal窗口打开ROS系统(相关ROS环境创建、ROS包编译等基础知识务必先在网上查清楚),输入 roscore 再打开一个新Terminal窗口发布(Publish)定位模块的信息,输入 rosrun nmea_navsat_driver nmea_topic_serial_reader _port:=/dev/ttyUSB1 _...
nmea apt安装:sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-nmea-navsat-driver libgps-dev运行:roslaunch nmea_navsat_driver nmea_serial_driver.launch源码: gps坐标转换&rviz显示 源码: ...
roslaunch nmea_navsat_driver nmea_serial_driver.launch (4)查看话题输出 rostopic echo/fix 一开始在室内测试,值为nan,到了室外后正常 一个廉价的GPS模块,随便玩玩吧。 4 其他说明 nmea_navsat_driver提供四个节点: nmea_topic_driver,nmea_serial_driver,nmea_topic_serial_reader和nmea_socket_driver ...
Building the husky_ws dockerfile will now fail due to upstream package changes. The solution is to simply remove that package, since Husky do not have GPS. For more info, see:
nmea_navsat_driver Oxford Technical Solutions (OXTS) GPS/IMU products Phidgets PhidgetsSpatial 3/3/3 SBG System Ellipse (A, E, N, D) Swiftnav Piksi RTK-GPS Xsens MTi node Xsens MTI Measurement Unit Xsens MTx/MTi/MTi-G devices Razor's IMU 9 DOF (Degree of Freedom) board ...
git clone cd .. catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="nmea_navsat_driver" 1. 2. 3. 4. 修改launch文件,蓝鲸GPS模块用户可以不用修改直接使用。 <launch> <!-- A simple launch file for the nmea_serial_driver node. --> ...
~$ rosrun nmea_navsat_driver nmea_topic_serial_reader _port:=/dev/rfcomm0 _baud:=115200 ~$ rostopic echo /nmea_sentence Windows: 1. 在蓝牙配置中启用SPP。 2. 测试GPS,选用google earth。 由于连接出错,重新连接,端口更新为COM43(原来为COM42)。