2. 编写ROS节点 我们需要编写一个ROS节点,用来订阅nmea_navsat_driver发布的消息,将NMEA消息解析为二进制代码,并发布给其他ROS节点使用。在这个节点中,我们可以使用C++或者Python等编程语言,调用ROS提供的相关API,对NMEA消息进行解析和转换。 3. 数据传输和处理 我们需要考虑如何进行数据的传输和处理。在ROS系统中,可以...
发布定位模块信息时,会提示SyntaxWarning: The publisher should be created with an explicit keyword argument 'queue_size'.,忽略即可。该ROS包把数据通过/nmea_sentence这个Topic发布出来,为了验证定位数据发布成功,我们再打开一个新Terminal窗口读取/nmea_sentence中的信息 rostopiclistrostopicecho/nmea_sentence 可见...
ROS package containing drivers for NMEA devices that can output satellite navigation data (e.g. GPS or GLONASS). - nmea_navsat_driver/package.xml at master · ros-drivers/nmea_navsat_driver
package.xml rosdoc.yaml setup.cfg setup.py Breadcrumbs nmea_navsat_driver / rosdoc.yaml Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 2 lines (2 loc) · 43 Bytes Raw - builder: sphinx sphinx_root_dir: doc 1 2 While...
For more info, see: https://github.com/j3soon/ros2-essentials/actions/runs/10890804280/job/30221235389 Requested review from workspace maintainer. Thanks! fix(husky_ws): Fix package not found issue by removing the redundant … … 9950f78 j3soon requested a review from YuZhong-Chen September ...
ROS package containing drivers for NMEA devices that can output satellite navigation data (e.g. GPS or GLONASS). - nmea_navsat_driver/doc/conf.py at master · tschuette22/nmea_navsat_driver
Refactor all nodes into entrypoint scripts. (#76). This will reduce the difference between ROS 1 and ROS 2 code, because ROS 2 uses Python entry points to install executables. Fix PEP8 Violations (#68). All Python modules and scripts now passpycodestyle --max-line-length 120 src/libnme...
[nmea_serial_driver_node-2] process has died [pid 16731, exit code 1, cmd /home/intern/nmea_ws/src/nmea_navsat_driver-master/scripts/nmea_serial_driver __name:=nmea_serial_driver_node __log:=/home/intern/.ros/log/10f3185e-329e-11ea-9ca4-e0d55eb869bd/nmea_serial_driver_node-2....
ROS_PYTHON_VERSION == 2">python-catkin-pkg</build_depend> <build_depend condition="$ROS_PYTHON_VERSION == 3">python3-catkin-pkg</build_depend> <exec_depend>rospy</exec_depend> <exec_depend condition="$ROS_PYTHON_VERSION == 2">python-serial</exec_depend> <exec_depend condition="$ROS...