一、采用的交叉编译工具 1)硬件平台RV1103 2)交叉编译工具arm-rockchip830-linux-uclibcgnueabihf 二、开始 https://gitee.com/Loong_Cang/ros_iron_ant_base/blob/master/doc/amd64/micro-ros/micro_ros_amd64_construct.txt 1)配置编译工具链环境
<library path="polygon_plugins"> <class type="polygon_plugins::Square" base_class_type="polygon_base::RegularPolygon"> <description>This is a square plugin.</description> </class> <class type="polygon_plugins::Triangle" base_class_type="polygon_base::RegularPolygon"> <description>This is a...
配置CMakelist.txt几处关键配置,将plugin_implement包编译为一个动态库 #添加要编译的文件file(GLOB_RECURSESRCS*.cpp)set(SOURCE_FILES${SRCS})#自身编译需要的头文件目录include_directories(# include${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)#将本包编译成动态库add_library(${PROJECT_NAME...
ROS library for HAsh-based LOop Closure detection. This library provides the tools for loop closing detection based on image hashing. Image hashing consists of representing every image with a small vector (hash). Then the hash of image A can be compared with the hash of image B in a super...
This repository contains the source code for the ROS Client Library for C++ package, included with a standard install of any ROS 2 distro. rclcpp provides the standard C++ API for interacting with ROS 2. Usage #include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp"allows use of the most common elements of the ROS 2...
roslibjs The Standard ROS JavaScript Library For full documentation see theROS wiki. JSDoccan be found on the Robot Web Tools website. This project is released as part of theRobot Web Toolseffort. Usage Pre-built files can be found in eitherroslib.jsorroslib.min.js....
Client Library & roscpp ROS为机器人开发者提供了不同语言的编程接口,比如C++接口叫做roscpp,python接口叫做rospy,Java接口叫做rosjava。尽管语言不通,但这些接口都可以用来创建toppic、service、param实现ROS的通信功能。Client Library 有点类似开发中Helper Class,把一些常用的基本功能做了封装。
A Library of ROS‐Catalytic Metalloenzyme Mimics with Atomic Metal Centers (Adv. Mater. 16/2022)doi:10.1002/adma.202270120Cao, SujiaoZhao, ZhenyangZheng, YijuanWu, ZiheMa, TianZhu, BihuiYang, ChengdongXiang, XiMa, LangHan, Xianglong
比如,KDL分离出来后,就可以由KDL的原开发者维护。KDL为Kinematics-Dynamics Library的缩写,意为“运动学-动力学库”,是由比利时荷语天主教鲁汶大学(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)的鲁本·斯密斯(RubenSmits)和艾文·艾尔特比列恩(Erwin Aertbelien)开发的,当然还有的其他...
roslibjs based web visualization library ros robotics riz javascript threejs cdeep •0.1.23•5 years ago•1dependents•Apache-2.0published version0.1.23,5 years ago1dependentslicensed under $Apache-2.0 194 @foxglove/roslibjs Fork of roslib ...