活性氧检测试剂盒(Reactive Oxygen Species Assay Kit)是一种利用荧光探针H2DCFH-DA进行活性氧检测的试剂盒。H2DCFH-DA本身没有荧光,可以自由穿过细胞膜,进入细胞内后,可以被细胞内的酯酶水解生成DCFH。而DCFH不能通透细胞膜,从而使探针很容易被装载到细胞内。细胞内的活性氧可以氧化无荧光的DCFH生成有荧光的DCF。检...
美仑活性氧检测试剂盒 (Meilun Reactive Oxygen Species Assay Kit) 是一种基于荧光染料DCFH-DA (2,7-Dichlorodi -hydrofluorescein diacetate) 的荧光强度变化,定量检测细胞内活性氧水平的最常用方法。 DCFH-DA本身没有荧光,可以自由穿过细胞膜,进入细胞内后,可以被细胞内的酯酶水解生成DCFH。而DCFH不能通透细胞膜,...
sensitive dcfh da(Dojindo Labs) 97 Dojindo Labssensitive dcfh da Sensitive Dcfh Da, supplied by Dojindo Labs, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 97/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more ...
Q: If my cells are methanol sensitive, do I need to increase the volume of the 0.1X diluted dye? A:For cells that are sensitive to methanol, we recommend making further dilutions of the dye to 0.1X or 0.01X final. The volume of the DCFH-DA dilutions used in the assay will not ne...
High ROS levels are widely considered to be a general physiological manifestation of cancer cells, and cancer cells are more likely to reach the toxic threshold of ROS and are more sensitive to redox imbalances than normal cells. Therefore, disrupting the balance of redox states is a promising ...
细胞内的活性氧可以氧化无荧光的DCFH生成有荧光的DCF。检测DCF的荧光就可以知道细胞内活性氧的水平。根据活细胞中荧光的产生,可以判断细胞活性氧的含量和变化。用流式细胞仪或荧光显微镜可直接观察,是一种经典的活细胞中活性氧检测方法。 本试剂盒提供了活性氧阳性对照试剂Rosup,以便于活性氧的检测。Rosup是一种活性...
However, unlike paclitaxel, epothilones were less influenced by P-gp; this may be one of the reasons why epothilones were effective in paclitaxel-sensitive and -resistant tumors25,26. Preclinical studies indicated that epothilones and its analogues had anticancer activity in CRC cells27,28,29. ...
Then, the cells were washed with PBS for 3 times and incubated with FBS-free medium containing DCFH-DA reagent (10 μM, Sigma) for 30 min. After centrifugation at 1000 rpm for 5 min, the supernatant was measured using the Amplex Red assay (Invitrogen) to evaluate the extracellular ...
Tetrandrine-induced mitochondrial dysfunction is cyclosporine A-sensitive, suggesting the pres- # These authors contributed equally to this study. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail lkgong@cdser.simm.ac.cn (Li-kun GONG); jren@cdser.simm.ac.cn (Jin REN) Received 2013-01-...
Activation of volume-sensitive outwardly rectifying chloride channel by ROS contributes to ER stress and cardiac contractile dysfunction: involvement of CHOP through Wnt. Cell Death Dis. 5, e1528 (2014). Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Brandes, R. P., Weissmann, N. & ...