ls -ld /root/.nvm || echo "Directory does not exist" 或者 bash if [ ! -d /root/.nvm ]; then echo "Directory does not exist" fi 如果输出显示“Directory does not exist”,那么该目录确实不存在。 3. 如果目录不存在,决定是否需要创建该目录或更改$nvm_dir的指向 方案一:创建/root/.nvm...
在Centos7下搭建GitBook环境,主要需要安装几个组件:nodejs、gitbook、git 其中nodejs可以使用nvm进行...
publicfunction_initialize(){if(!is_file(codecept_root_dir() .$this->config['configFile'])) {thrownewModuleConfigException(__CLASS__,"The application config file does not exist: ".codecept_root_dir() .$this->config['configFile']); }$this->defineConstants(); } 开发者ID:solutionDrive,项...
nvm:commandnot found How did you installnvm? i didnt What steps did you perform? curl -o- | bash What happened? You have $NVM_DIR set to "/root/.nvm", but that directory does not exist. Check your profile files and...
EROR: Version file does not exist in root dir hdfs://XXXXXXX:8020/tmp/hbase-hbase/hbase 出错原因是hbck在gateway执行的,gateway的配置与hmaster的不一致,在hmaster执行hbck并无不一致,所以推一下hmaster的配置就好了(同步配置)
This usually happens when there was nvm already present under a different user profile on the same computer. Here's a simple set of steps that can help you resolve. Assuming you have access/rights on your computer to modify paths/directories and default variables. export NVM_DIR="/home/USERN...
exited with exitCode: -1000 due to: File /tmp/hadoop-root/nm-local-dir/filecache does not exist 1. 2. 3. 在/tmp/hadoop-spark/nm-local-dir路径下创建filecache文件夹即可解决报错问题。 mkdir /tmp/hadoop-root/nm-local-dir/filecache ...
It appears that if poetry has never made a virtualenv for you—which means that <cache-dir>/virtualenvs does not exist, then asking poetry to make a virtualenv in the project root will fail. $ poetry env use python3 -vvv 11:12:03 Creating virtualenv autoencoding in /Users/will.frey/Des...
NotWritableError: The current user does not have write permissions to a required path. path: /home 在使用anaconda3创建虚拟环境的时候出现了以上的错误:这个是由于没有使用root权限进行创建环境,但是为了下次不出现这个问题,需要修改anaconda文件的权限— 输入:sudo chmod -R 777 /home/user/anaconda3 重新创建...
If theCWDenvironment variable does not exist,LSFcalls thegetwd()system function to retrieve the current working directory path name.LSFsetsLS_SUBCWDto the value that is returned. Where defined Set bysbatchd LSB_AFFINITY_HOSTFILE Syntax LSB_AFFINITY_HOSTFILE=file_path ...