nvm:commandnot found How did you installnvm? i didnt What steps did you perform? curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.37.2/install.sh | bash What happened? You have $NVM_DIR set to "/root/.nvm", but that directory does not exist. Check your profile files and...
DirectoryNotFoundException.stringdir =@"C:\test";try{//Set the current directory.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(dir); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("The specified directory does not exist. {0}", e); }// Print to console the results.Console.WriteLine("Root ...
Try to run SQL tests directly, as you say "looks like installed", CREATELANGUAGEplpython3u; ERROR: could not access file"$libdir/plpython3": No such fileordirectory CREATE EXTENSION s2; ERROR: language"plpython3u"does not exist HINT: Use CREATE LANGUAGE to load the language into the da...
Value : TypeAccessIndexDescription Dir : DWORD Read-write Directory If this value is set to 1, a root directory has been specified. If no root directory has been specified, this value does not exist.See AlsoConceptsRemote Configuration Framework ModulesEnglish...
结构如下: /ROOT_DIR init.rb /SCRIPT_DIR (other scripts and files) 我希望用户只使用init.rb进入应用程序,但就目前情况而言,任何人都可以进入子文件夹并直接调用其他ruby脚本。问题: 有哪些方法可以防止上述情况发生? 如果我要使用目录权限,在Linux机器上运行从Windows机器到Linux机器的代码时,它会被重置吗?
在Centos7下搭建GitBook环境,主要需要安装几个组件:nodejs、gitbook、git 其中nodejs可以使用nvm进行...
EROR: Version file does not exist in root dir hdfs://XXXXXXX:8020/tmp/hbase-hbase/hbase 出错原因是hbck在gateway执行的,gateway的配置与hmaster的不一致,在hmaster执行hbck并无不一致,所以推一下hmaster的配置就好了(同步配置) 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 ...
This step only creates the group—it does not identify its members. To observe the object properties of the group, useniscat -o, appendinggroups_dirin the group's name. rootmaster#niscat -o admin.groups_dir.wiz.com.Object Name : admin ...
Cannot deploy the report because the shared data source that the report references does not exist on the report server Cannot download .rdl files in SSRS Report Manager 2012. Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggreg... Cannot lock down the width of a column Ca...
title Solaris Express Community Edition zfsnv109BE X86 bootfs rpool/ROOT/zfsnv109BE findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module$ /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archiveIf the device identified by GRUB as the boot device contains a ZFS ...