The variant spelling vok, also meaning “call,” usually comprises verbs in English, and promptly switches back to voc with a change in part of speech. Here are some examples: invoke: to “call” upon; invocation: the act of “calling” upon (usually for help) revoke: to “call” back...
voc & vok ROOT-WORDSareVOC & VOKwhich come from the Latin vox, vocis meaningVOICEand vocare meaning toCALL. From VOICE we get words relating to human sounds. From CALL we get Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. All are from the same root.1. Vocable : VOC able (voc’ ka ...
(prefixes or suffixes). it is the most basic part of any word. the basic structure of roots are either affixed or suffixed and then they become a new word. an understanding of the usual root words will help make a good guess about the meaning of newly known words and will, in ...
command to require authoritatively; demand monopoly an exclusive privilege to carry on a business, traffic, or service ideal a standard of perfection or excellence. (n.) advantageous; excellent; best (adj.) acquire to come into possession or ownership of; get as one's own:...
Adding -es to wish, changes the meaning o the word to more than one wish. PrefixDefinitionExamples anti- against anticlimax de- opposite devalue dis- not; opposite of discover en-, em- cause to enact, empower fore- before; front of foreshadow, forearm in-, im- in income, impulse in-,...
RootWords|Suffix|Prefix COMMONROOTWORDSANDWORDORIGINS ROOTS MEANING WORD alter other alternate,alterego ami,amic- love amiable,amicable amphi bothendsorall sides amphibian ann,enni year anniversary,annual,biennial,perennial anthrop human,man anthropology,anthropomorphic,misanthrope aqua,aque water aquatic,...
Cont. Meaning In the anatomy of the aortic root this term refers to the most distal CCCCoooommmmmmmmCiiiiosssssssmsuuuumrrrreeeeisssssuIaoIaoaoIarnnnerrrtttrhhheeesetttaaaeeeahhhrrreewwwew... aahhhahnneeenerrraaraeeeIdetttnoooittttsmmmhhhththaeeeeyyyel iiiiaooaonnnnrnfffsssesaeeeettatthhrrrh...