Define vocab. vocab synonyms, vocab pronunciation, vocab translation, English dictionary definition of vocab. n short for vocabulary Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is avoice of the customer(VoC) tool used by organizations to collect feedback from their customers. It's typically one simple question (noted below) that asks for a score between 0-10, followed by several follow-up questions to determine the root cause of the sco...
In electric motor terminology, form factor is the amount of rectified current emitted from a direct current (DC) power source and is expressed as a ratio of the root-mean-square value of the current to the average current, or RMS/AV. If the form factor differs much from pure nonpulsating...
These are broad techniques that encompass all other different ways ofidentifying emotions, intent, etc. It’s worth mentioning that some software claims to do emotion analysis from text — these tend to use the combination of words used in the text to arrive at the emotion. This can be rathe...
The meaning of CHARA is a genus (the type of the family Characeae) of plants common in freshwater lakes of limestone districts and usually having the central internodal cells of the stem, often encrusted with calcareous deposits, sheathed by smaller cell
cultus,religious cult,cult- a system of religious beliefs and rituals; "devoted to the cultus of the Blessed Virgin" hoodoo- a practitioner of voodoo zombi,zombi spirit,zombie spirit,zombie- (voodooism) a spirit or supernatural force that reanimates a dead body ...
; or in expressions of surprise, indignation, or regret: “O [it is sad] that such eyes should e'er meet other object!” Sheridan Knowles. ☞ A distinction between the use of O and oh is insisted upon by some, namely, that O should be used only in direct address to a person ...
Capture efficiencymeans the weight per unit time of VOC entering a capture system and delivered to a control device divided by the weight per unit time of total VOC generated by a source of VOC, expressed as a percentage. Nondegradationmeans the prevention of a significant change in water qual...
By no later than the Effective Date, the Defendants must operate each Covered Flare with a minimum of a 98%Combustion Efficiencyat all times when Waste Gas is vented to it. If testing a small boiler in both modes, rate the boiler’s efficiency for each mode based on the testing in that...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Review It Is Imperative to Establish a Pellucid Definition of Chimeric RNA and to Clear Up a Lot of Confusion in the Relevant Research Chengfu Yuan 1,*, Yaping Han 2, Lucas Zellmer 2, Wenxiu Yang 3, Zhizhong Guan 4, Wenfeng Yu 4, Hai Huang 5,...