a governor of a province under the ancient Persian monarchy. I govern this land for my brother, and as his satrap it is my duty to know much of the neighboring lands. -- Gene Wolfe, Soldier of Sidon It was common knowledge: this baby's father was some sort of latter-day satrap, a...
英国是世界上为数较少的保持君主制(monarchy)的国家之一,其保守性可见一斑。当美国人发明中央空调(central heating)的时候,英国人以对身体有害为由拒绝接受这种新生事物,继续使用壁炉(fireplace)和电炉(electric stove)。 [translate] aIt is a good idea always to carry in your pocket several books of various...
master ECDICT/wordroot.txt Go to file Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 14486 lines (14486 sloc) 362 KB Raw Blame { "hom": { "meaning": "man, human", "class": "root", "root": "hom", "example": [ "homage", "homicide"...
The "branch" of Isaiah 11:1, 10 - a different word - has nearly the same meaning. The Messiah will be a fresh sprout from the stump of a tree that has been felled; i.e. from the destroyed Davidic monarchy. As a root (so Isaiah 11:10; Revelation 5:5). The "sapling" from ...
Sense evolution probably was from "detached, disengaged" to "perfect, pure." Meaning "despotic" (1610s) is from notion of "absolute in position;"absolute monarchyis recorded from 1735 (absolute kingis recorded from 1610s). Grammatical sense is from late 14c. ...
monologue, monotheism, monarchy, monogamy neo- new, recent neologism, neo-liberal, neonatology. neolithic ob- against object, obstruct (build against) palin-, pali- back, again palindrome pan- all, every pantheism, Pan-Hellenic, panorama, pandemic para- false paramilitary, paralegal, parachute per...
congenial (adj) - pleasant, enjoyable, or friendly My friends describe me as congenial because I can get along with just about anyone. We need to preserve our resources for future generations. (n) - a group of people born and living during the same time We need to preserve our resources...
Hosea 9:15 Gilgal: the people had gathered in Gilgal to establish the monarchy (see 1 Sam 11:4ff). Hosea 9:15-17 New International Version 15 “Because of all their wickedness in Gilgal, I hated them there.Because of their sinful deeds, I will drive them out of my house.I will...