Does egocentric Greek root for chief or ruler? The answer is 'Monarchy' The root word "Arch" comes from the Greek word 'Archos' which can act as both prefixes and suffixes. The meaning of the word 'Arch' is 'chief, ruler or leader. What is cultural egocentrism? Egocentrism and ethnocent...
What is the difference between a president and prime minister? The term president usually refers to the head of state of a country that is a republic. A prime minister is usually the leader of the government of a country that is a constitutional monarchy (Australia), republic (France) or ...
Kami– In Japan, in the Shinto belief, the term kami is used to denote those spirits of a higher status than humans. By tradition, there is said to be 88 million (a number symbolizing infinity) kami. There are amatsu-kami (celestial) such as Amaterasu Omikami, the kunitsu-kami (terre...
Where did the Easter Rising take place?The Easter Rising:During Easter week of 1916, a group of Irish nationalists led by Patrick Pearse and James Connolly declared independence from Great Britain and the establishment of the Irish Republic. The Eastern Rising was put down by the British after...
Speaking of time, the Viennese are bringing back a temporal icon that graced the city’s streets in 1907: the Normalzeit (normal time) clock, shaped like a cube and showing hours and minutes on a numberless clockface. In 1910 the Austro-Hungarian monarchy’s many time zones were standardised...
it is the President whodoesit. This is actually a bit different from every other nation on Earth – because we’re a bunch of American weirdos as far as form of government goes. Personally, I like it – but it is a strange hybrid of Monarchy, Republic and Democracy. If run properly,...
Minister, and theChurchill War Rooms(where Winston Churchill directed operations in World War II). There’s a strong royal connection as well:Buckingham Palacein St James’s Park is His Majesty’s home and office, whileWestminster Abbeyis the coronation and burial place of British monarchy. ...
“Austria used to go all the way south to Trieste,” one sommelier reminded me. Austro-Hungary’s Hapsburg dynasty had counted Styria among its possessions since 1278; on the eve of World War I, it ruled as a constitutional monarchy over such far-flung cities as Trieste, Budapest, Prague,...
With treaty ports in America and ownership of the Pacific, Japan has gone from a shut-in nation behind the Europeans to the masters of the sea and land. All is not well, however, as the increasingly byzantine Imperial Court constantly undermines the monarchy, and the more Japan uses China...
Samuel plays a crucial role in transitioning Israel from a theocracy to a monarchy.4. The DonkeysThe lost donkeys belonging to Saul's father, Kish, which set the stage for Saul's encounter with Samuel. This seemingly mundane event is used by God to bring about His divine purpose.5. Ramah...