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Question: Q1) Plot the root locus for the following systems where the given transfer function is located in a unit negative feedback system, i.e., the characteristic equation is 1+KG(s)=0. Where applicable, the plot should indicate the large g...
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Although several genes and hormone signaling have been reported to be involved in regulating primary root growth upon P deficiency49, molecular and genetic mechanisms of growth inhibition of the primary root by P deficiency in Arabidopsis remain fundamental questions to be elucidated in plant stress ...
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that carotene hydroxylase genes were involved in α-carotene accumulation and xanthophyll formation164. Although homologs of all known genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis have been identified in carrots, there are still some questions that need answers, such as the accumulation of carotenoids in ...
We therefore propose CaSA as an attractive platform to face so far unsolved questions concerning Ca2+ spiking signals and their modulation. Our findings suggest that AM fungal signal production could be limited in the presence of high inorganic phosphate levels, Since CO4 production is significantly ...
ability of low input resource-poor farmers. Also, the utilization of agrochemicals may have undesirable side effects which questions sustainability and threatens the environment (Miklas et al.2006; Rao et al.1993). On the other hand, even if liming can raise soil pH and overcome toxicity ...
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Solutions were filtered through 0.45 µm nylon membranes prior to use for HPLC. The o-coumaric acid (internal standard) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and the PPT standard from Chromadex (Irvine, CA, USA). DPT was purified from Anthriscus sylvestris as previously described by Van Uden et ...