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As a result, there is a crucial need for reliable tools that allow fast and reproducible analyses of spiking patterns. We propose the CaSA software as one such tool, and the examples we have chosen to illustrate its usefulness, targeted on two specific biological problems, and based on ...
Examples of suitable introns include, but are not limited to, the maize IVS6 intron, or the maize actin intron. A regulatory element may also include those elements located downstream (3′) to the site of transcription initiation, or within transcribed regions, or both. In the context of ...
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Interestingly, PIN4 shows reduced histone H3K14 acetylation in both the promoter and the coding region, compared to PIN1 and PIN3, which only show a reduction in the coding region in gcn5 mutants. Therefore, PIN4 needs histone acetylation in its genomic locus for proper induction, and this...
Linum flavum hairy root lines were established from hypocotyl pieces using Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains LBA 9402 and ATCC 15834. Both strains were effective for transformation but induction of hairy root phenotype was more stable with strain ATCC 158