4a, intersect of Venn diagram). Among these, we found in both substrates a strong up-regulation in D3 of genes relating to stress, defense, and cell proliferation (Online Resource 9, Supplementary Table 8). Among stress- and defense-related genes were for example: ethylene-response ...
Shared and exclusive KTUs (and their relative distribu- tion) across seasons were calculated for each rhizos- heath–root system compartment in R using the package VennDiagram [68]; differential abundance of KTUs (two- fold-change with p-value < 0.001) was also evaluated to determine ...
Plants mainly rely on two strategies to cope with low potassium stress in the environment: the CBL1/9-CIPKs complex and the CBL2/3-CIPKs complex. The CBL1/9-CIPK1/9/23 complex activates the K+ channel AKT1 and K+ transporter HAK5 in the plasma membrane in response to low-K+ stress...
andTable 4shows their physical locations with intervals ranging from 0.03 to 190 Mb. A schematic diagram of the chromosomes summarises the physical locations of the QTL and shows that some traits had overlapping QTL (Figure 2). The co-location of some QTLs was expected (such as the total no...
In addition, hormones-, sugar-, cell cycle-, root development- and biological enzyme-related genes (Tables S4–S8) that were also selected from the heavily enriched KEGG pathways. A statistical analysis of the differentially expressed enrichment pathway diagram is presented in Figure S2. In ...