RoomService客房送餐服务 EnglishBreakfast RoomService客房送餐服务 DoorKnobMenu Hangontheoutsideoftheguest’sbedroom RoomService客房送餐服务 RolePlay:Doorknobmenuservice Staff:Goodmorning.Reception.MayIhelpyou?Guest:Goodmorning.It’sMr.WhiteinRoom489.CanIhavebreakfastinmyroomtomorrowmorning?RoomService客房送餐服务...
1For trolley service asks guest where they would like to set up the trolley. 餐车服务,询问客人喜欢餐车摆放的位置 2、Serve food courses and beverages from the right.Don’tmakecross serviceunless it is a corner. Try to serve food and beverage with maximum consideration to guests’ convenience....
Hotel Room Service Trolley Rectangular Hospital Folding Laundry Linen Trolley Product Description Brand Name OEM Product Name Square Shape Linen Trolley LT03A Size: 850x600xH900mm LT04A Size: 910x560xH920mm Material: Stainless Steel 201 Feature: Dismounting Pack...
The invention relates to a trolley comprising a dolly (1) stiffened by struts (4, 5, 6), casters (8b-8e) attached to the four angles of the dolly (1), and a casing (10) made of vertical panels (10a, 10b) equipped with storage means provided inside the casing. The dolly (1) ...
Good knowledge of different types of tray and trolley setups. Aware of all amenities to ensure they are set up and delivered on time. Ensure Trays and Carts are removed from the hotel hallways and elevator bays at all times. Read and retain all pertinent information regardi...
Module12.RoomService 2 -PrivateDining,yourroomservicedelivery!-Goodevening,sir/madam,yourroomserviceorder,please!-WheremayIplacethetrolley/trayconveniently?-Sir/madam,couldyoukindlysignthebill?-Ifyouneedanythingelseoryouwishtohaveyourtray/cart removed,pleasedial6.-Enjoyyourmealandhaveaniceevening!-Whatwould...
trolley手推车 doorknobmenu门把菜牌bookmenu薄式 electronicmenu电子菜单 III.Proceduresoftakingroomserviceorderbyphone •Step1Pickupthephonewithinthreerings三声之内接起电话 •Step2Greetguest问候客人 •Step3Recordinformationoftheguest:Roomnumber,name,foodordered,deliveringtimeandanyparticularrequests记录客人房号...
Room Service Trolley Spa Foot Basin Locker & Locker Key Foot Massage Sofa Portable Massage Table / Chair Outdoor Outdoor Dustbin Deson Premium F&B and Banquet Furniture Banquet Furniture Buffet Station TrolleyRoom Service Trolley Hotbox HM7649B-2 QTY Room Service Trolley HM7678B QTY Room...
minutes ,It `s all right?Thank you for your orderLet the guest hang up first. 接到订单receive the order根据菜肴品种及数量准备餐具set up the trolley到收银台取帐单,了解能否签单,现金买单准备好零钱prepare the change到厨房出菜,需加盖,并核对st and re-check使用员工电梯送餐到房 use staff’s lift...
3HowtoSet-UpcontinentalBreakfastorderontray 如何在托盘上准备早餐 4OrderTaking 点单 5Trolleyandtrayseyup 托盘及餐车的摆放 6TransportingIn-RoomDiningOrders 运送食物 7EnteringaGuestRoom 进入客房 8Serviceintheguestroom 在客人房间服务 9ServingToastintheGuestRoom ...