•1.Roomserviceusefulsentences送餐服务常用语 (1)敲门,自报身份:RoomService,mayIcomein?(2)放置托盘(tray)或餐车(trolley)前应征询客人意见:ShallIputithere?(3)准备好账单,并问清楚客人的结账方式:Howwouldyouliketopaythebill?(4)客人用餐后,撤出餐具前应询问客人:ShallItaketheplatesaway,并征求客人用餐的...
Room Service Trolley Spa Foot Basin Locker & Locker Key Foot Massage Sofa Portable Massage Table / Chair Outdoor Outdoor Dustbin Deson Premium F&B and Banquet Furniture Banquet Furniture Buffet Station TrolleyRoom Service Trolley Hotbox HM7649B-2 QTY Room Service Trolley HM7678B QTY Room...
The trolley has a rolling parallelepiped frame (1) carrying a tray wall constituted of vertical panels (10a, 10b) carried by the frame. The frame has fixed and opening parts (2, 3) articulated to each other around a vertical axis on a periphery of the frame to take a closed position ...
Module12.RoomService 2 -PrivateDining,yourroomservicedelivery!-Goodevening,sir/madam,yourroomserviceorder,please!-WheremayIplacethetrolley/trayconveniently?-Sir/madam,couldyoukindlysignthebill?-Ifyouneedanythingelseoryouwishtohaveyourtray/cart removed,pleasedial6.-Enjoyyourmealandhaveaniceevening!-Whatwould...
travel hotel room service furniture and household food and restaurant food cart hotel service food trolley food tray amenities Icons with the same style and concept See more Sponsored results by Get 15% off with code: 15FREEPIK Show more Search in other categories...
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•1.Roomserviceusefulsentences送餐服务常用语 (1)敲门,自报身份:RoomService,mayIcomein?(2)放置托盘(tray)或餐车(trolley)前应征询客人意见:ShallIputithere?(3)准备好账单,并问清楚客人的结账方式:Howwouldyouliketopaythebill?(4)客人用餐后,撤出餐具前应询问客人:ShallItaketheplatesaway,并征求客人用餐的...
Good knowledge of different types of tray and trolley setups. Aware of all amenities to ensure they are set up and delivered on time. Ensure Trays and Carts are removed from the hotel hallways and elevator bays at all times. Read and retain all pertinent information regardi...
5Trolleyandtrayseyup 托盘及餐车的摆放 6TransportingIn-RoomDiningOrders 运送食物 7EnteringaGuestRoom 进入客房 8Serviceintheguestroom 在客人房间服务 9ServingToastintheGuestRoom 在房间服务土司 10ClearingofTrolley/TrayfromtheRoom 在房间收托盘及餐车
trolley手推车 doorknobmenu门把菜牌bookmenu薄式 electronicmenu电子菜单 III.Proceduresoftakingroomserviceorderbyphone •Step1Pickupthephonewithinthreerings三声之内接起电话 •Step2Greetguest问候客人 •Step3Recordinformationoftheguest:Roomnumber,name,foodordered,deliveringtimeandanyparticularrequests记录客人房号...