The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire 24個詞語 holden_hallajian 預覽 Rome vs Han Dynasty AP LEQ prep. 30個詞語 devaanshi_k 預覽 Chapter 5 Vocab Study Tool 6個詞語 cjon0 預覽 Social Studies power and government test 43個詞語 katealaborde 預覽 Western Civ 1 57個詞語 MadFo 預覽 Greek ...
-Germanic tribes invaded the Roman Empire because they were pressured to do so by Asiatic people like the HUNS. Their conquest had several negative effects on the Empire-led to fall of Rome Commodus Ancient Roman Emperor who succeeded his father, Marcus Aurelius, and began the decline of the ...
Trade agreements established by The roman Empire 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(15) Carthage located on the coast of North Africa and fough against rome, culture came from the Phoenicians. Punic wars Series of wars between Rome and Carthage Hannibal Carthage general Crassus richest man in Rome and...
Persian Empire 30個詞語 AMulhern23 預覽 Unit 7 | Lesson 14 Lesson Assessment: The Polis 6個詞語 PrincessOfUnicorn 預覽 quiz 1 17個詞語 ranren8 預覽 Unit 1 Vocab Part 1--Ancient Societies 老師12個詞語 tbartlett85 預覽 The Greco- Persian wars 10個詞語 Beatrice_Tobin1 預覽 Social Studies ...
How did the Geographic location of both Greece and Rome lead to the growth of their empire and influence on other civilizations They were blocked so they had their own civilizations and influences Name 3 of the Greek Gods and what they do Zeus - God of sky, weather, law and order, destin...
The Pax Romana was a time of peace,relative stability, and prosperity. This allowed for flourishing of Roman culture to Golden Age. What was the Colosseum used for? The Colosseum was used for gladiator games and public events What was the main religion of the Roman Empire by the 4th century...
Ruler from the Persian Empire during the Persian Wars Battle at Marathon (when battle was over, ran to to Athens to tell them,) Greeks won Batle at Thermopylae (battle at the mountain range, Greeks didn't let in for 3 days) Persians won ...
Why did the Jews rebel against the Roman empire? Because the Romans destroyed one of their temples and killed many Jews. Why did the Jewish diaspora start? The Babylon exile What were some of Constantine's accomplishments? He helped spread Christianity and he also made one of the largest cont...
Roman emperor who divided the empire into a West and an East section. Tetrearchy Rule by four Constantine Emperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337) Edict of Milan 313 CE Constantine makes Christianity the primary religion of the Roman E...
Roman Empire Geography: mountains, rivers, seas. The “Tiber River” brings produce from different regions and trade from other countries. “Mediterranean Sea” was easy to use but brought danger from the other people. “Apennines Mountains” provided natural barriers for Rome. Trade: Many trade ...