Spread of cultural traits from one culture to another Define dictator Absolute ruler Define republic Form of government in which citizens have the right to vote and elect officials Define veto Stop or cancel the action of a government, official or body Define consuls One of two top officials an...
-civil war that brings down the republic and results in the Roman Empire. Cleopatra last pharaoh of Egypt; had relationships with Julius Caesar and Marc Antony; Octavian's enemy Judaea Roman name of the mountainous southern part of the land of Israel Marius -A Roman general who was elected ...
The Byzantine empire reached its peak under? 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(43) Etruscans A people who inhabited early italy before rome revolted Plebians and patricians Plebians were Roman common people while patricians were Roman aristocrats and wealthy classes Republic A form of government in wh...
Rome set out to conquer new lands loofing their riches What happened in 31 BC under the power of Augustus Caesar? How much change from republic to an empire What emperor increased Rome to its greatest size? Trajan What emperor strengthened Rome's defense?
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Romulus and Remus、Greeks Etruscans Latins、Foundations of Roman Republic等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
Roman Republic The period from 507 to 31 B.C.E., during which Rome was largely governed by the aristocratic Roman Senate. (p. 148) Roman Senate A council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city's leaders Roman Assembly ...
When was the creation of the Roman Republic? 509 BC When was the end of the Roman Empire? 476 AD Who is the "Princep" or "First Citizen" of Rome? Octavian/ Augustus What is the Pax Romana? the Peace of Rome, starts with Augustus and ends with Marcus Aurelius ...
-roman republic -Temple of Portunus -Roman god of Harbors, locks, and granaries -4th century BC -Would make sense to have temple dedicated to Portunus in Forum Boarium -Rectangular with Ionic columns -Engaged columns in the back -Took aspects from both Etruscans (engaged column back) and Gr...
Compare and Contrast Roman Republic and U.S. Democracy: Similar: -power in the people -citizens vote for representatives -division of powerDifferent: -Rome had a rigid social class-only citizens(free males) could participate in Rome King Darius Ruler from the Persian Empire during the Persian ...