Taxi fare calculator in Rome Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in Rome. Looking for another city?How much does a taxi cost from Vatican City to Hotel Oceania in Roma, Roma (Lazio), Italy
Useful information about taxi services in Rome Be wary of non-official cab drivers, especially if you need to go to the airport. Do not be rushed into entering any taxi; take your time and double check that the taxi is an official one. Charge of 1 euro for each piece of baggage ...
Rome airport trains, buses, hotel shuttle and taxi transfer options compared between Rome's airports and the city centre with indicative fares
There are 4 airport bus services between Rome Fiumicino Airport and Rome city centre - so which one is best for you?
Taxi fare is approximately 160 EUR. Rates are subject to change. From Fiumicino International Airport (also known as Leonardo Da Vinci Airport)- Take the Autostada E80/A 12 - Roma-Civitavecchia. Exit at Civitavecchia Sud. Follow the signs to the "Sardinia Ferries." Entrance personnel will prov...
1. Re: From FCO airport to Hotel Emona Aqueductus Sep 21, 2024, 6:59 PM Save The taxi fixed fare has recently gone up to 55 Euros. You can also take the frequent train, the Leonardo Express, to Termini station for 14 Euros per person. There are also buses that go to...
Is there Uber in Rome? Yes, Uber is available. How much does a taxi cost from Rome airport to city center? A taxis ride from the airport will be expensive. Expect to pay around €50. A better option is the train. Rome Photo Blog...
The most efficient way is to take a taxi directly from the airport, which will take around 30 minutes, depending on traffic. Alternatively, you can take a bus from the airport to Anagnina station, and then transfer to metro line A. Get off at the Lepanto station, and the hotel is just...
I have heard stories of people being taken to a private minivan, asked to sit there, and then even locked in while the driver went back inside the airport to look for more fares to collect on the same ride. This is a big one. This warning applies to private and public taxis: When ...
The Port of Civitavecchia is located approximately 31 miles from Rome's International Airports. Travel time between the airport and the pier is approximately 50 minutes. Taxi fare is approximately 160 EUR. Rates are subject to change. From Fiumicino International Airport (also known as Leonardo Da...