Taxi fare calculator in Rome Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in Rome. Looking for another city?How much does a taxi cost from Airport Fiumicino to Restaurant Papa Rex in Roma, Roma (Lazio), Italy ...
This taxi cost estimation from via alessandro pieri 13 to airport rome ciampino might be a bit outdated. You can recalculate it now, but we need to make sure you are not a robot first :) Remember that these are only estimated fares. Actual fares vary depending on traffic, weather and ...
With Rome Airport Taxi you are booking from the real operator of the trip, not from a huge enterprise providing transfers in all the cities of the world. This means better fares and more friendly professionals knowing Rome better than everybody else. ...
Taxi Fares inRocca di Cambio143.63 km Taxi Fares inFormia, Lazio168.29 km Taxi Fares inTeramo174.89 km Taxi Fares inPerugia182.27 km Taxi Fares inSanta Maria Capua Vetere193.67 km Taxi Fares inAversa206.62 km Taxi Fares inPescara208.87 km...
Top Destinations and fares in Rome Rome Fiumicino Airport to Rome City Centre, 35 minutes, from 49€ Rome Fiumicino Airport to Rome Civitavecchia Port, 50 minutes, from 111€ Rome Fiumicino Airport to Rome Ciampino Airport, 30 minutes, from 50€ ...
1.Re: Taxi fares at night from Ciampino airport 8 years ago The fixed fare of €30 applies at all times. But you may find drivers who try to tell you something else. Point at the sign on the taxi door specifying the fare. Aristofane ...
There are 6 ways to get from Rome Airport (FCO) to Villa Erasi, Fiumicino by bus, taxi, towncar, or foot Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner....
TAM Airport Bus Fiumicino Airport to/from Termini Station via Ostiense Station TAM Rome Airport bus Key facts Fiumicino Airport to/from Termini Station with a stop at Ostiense Station to the south of the city centre and a major train station. Fares slightly more than Terravision at €7 ...
We have two airports in Rome, Ciampino and Fiumicino. Find out which to fly into, how to get into Rome from the airport, how to get your tax refund, and more!
approved in June by the increase in taxi fares for the transfer from Fiumicino Airport in Rome at a fixed rate that will pass through saloon car from 40 to 48 euro and from Fiumicino to Tiburtina Station will be 55 euro. Added the fixed fee for the transfer from Fiumicino Airport to [....