i. 约翰·加尔文评论怕上帝时说:“简言之,它就像约束我们邪恶的缰绳,因此缺少它的时候,我们就可以自由放纵,沉湎于各种邪荡。” 3.(19-20)总结:律法不能把我们从罪恶及其当受的刑罚当中拯救出来。 我们晓得律法上的话,都是对律法以下之人说的,好塞住各人的口,叫普世的人都伏在上帝审判之下。所以凡有血气...
我们若为以前的主人效劳,是不得当的。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
His enduring is not wont to be exercised until He is about to show His wrath]: wherefore ἤνεγκεν should be translated, had endured [previous to His will to show His wrath.] By this very circumstance the question, who hath resisted? Romans 9:19, is most powerfully refuted.—...
Enduring it, the saint is tested, proved; for, "blessed," writes James (1:12) "is the man that endures temptation," or trial. And Peter assures us (1 Peter 1:7), that the trial of our faith is much more precious than that of gold which perishes, though that gold has been ...
third element, for whose transfiguration the κτίσις waits, and from whose glorification it hopes, in Romans 8:21, that the latter shall benefit it also—the κτίσις—through participation therein; and be to it also deliverance and freedom from its hitherto enduring bondage....
So let’s jump right into it, and see some of the amazing places that the prophet Isaiah connected himself to the New Testament, hundreds of years before any New Testament scripture would be written. For a deeper study, we highly recommend you get ourIsaiah Commentary Bundle, which is packe...
3.(7-15)保罗愿意到罗马去。 我写信给你们在罗马为上帝所爱、奉召作圣徒的众人。愿恩惠、平安从我们的父上帝并主耶稣基督,归于你们!第一,我靠着耶稣基督,为你们感谢我的上帝,因你们的信德传遍了天下。我在他儿子福音上,用心灵所侍奉的上帝,可以见证我怎样不住地提到你们;在祷告之间常常恳求,或者照上帝的旨意...
· 上帝的审判是按着行为表现,而不是知识(罗2:13)。 · 上帝的审判深入到心里的隐秘事(罗2:16)。 · 上帝的审判是按着事实,而不是口头的敬虔(罗2:17-19)。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
Pulpit CommentaryVerses 12-14. - In hope rejoicing; in tribulation enduring; in prayer continuing instant; communicating to the necessities of the saints (i.e. Christians); given to (literally, pursuing) hospitality. Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. In ver. 14 the form...
Pulpit Commentary Verse 19.-Because that which is known(not, as in the Authorized Version, "maybeknown;" for, though the force of the wordγνωστὸνsuggests this sense, it certainly meansknown, notknowable, in the many passages of the New Testament where it elsewhere occurs) of God...