I texted all of my friends and family members that lived close by and I explained to them what this awesome tradition entails. I then invited them to join me in celebrating Advent in this way by helping me make some ornaments. The idea was to try to find 25 ladies (holy cow!) and h...
But, as Paul explained in Rom 1:18–32, humanity misread the evidence of God’s existence, power, and divinity, and “while claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Rom 1:22). 2:15 Paul expands on the thought of Jer 31:33; Wis 17:...
Circumcision is one of those things that Paul had explained was part of the-ritual law that as a religious ordinance was not required for converts. However, he didn't say that if you were circumcised it is bad and shouldn't have been done or God wouldn't have had it done in the fir...
Those who ignore the distinction as above explained, saying, as some do, that νόμος, whether with or without the article, always means simply the Law of Moses, fail to enter into the depth and generality of the apostle's argument. The distinction will be observed in this ...
Having explained and marvelled at God’s abundant... 9:1-5 The Unbelief of Israel 9:1-5 The Unbelief of Israel Paul identifies himself with his own ethnic group, the Jews,... 9:6-13 God’s Choice of Particula...
The event that separates them is called the Abomination of Desolation (which is explained further on). However, the Lord may have cut short the first 3½ years–ref Mk 13:20; Ro 9:28, and others. This will happen for the elect’s sake, which are Jews. If the Lord had not ...