ii. 而且,当以色列全家都必得救之时,他们得救是因欣然接受耶稣基督是弥赛亚——尽管似乎很不可能,但他们得救,并不是领受某种怪异的“犹太”救恩。 iii. 圣经暗示说,这是耶稣基督回来的一个必要条件(太23:39;亚12:10-11)。等到上帝将救赎性怜恤的中心再次转向以色列,以色列藉着耶稣基督回应上帝的时候,耶稣才会回来。
· 上帝的审判并不偏待人(罗2:11)。 · 上帝的审判是按着行为表现,而不是知识(罗2:13)。 · 上帝的审判深入到心里的隐秘事(罗2:16)。 · 上帝的审判是按着事实,而不是口头的敬虔(罗2:17-19)。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com...
With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and righteousness. / My fruit is better than gold, pure gold, and my harvest surpasses choice silver. / I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, ...Matthew 20:15Do I not have the right to do as I please with ...
His enduring is not wont to be exercised until He is about to show His wrath]: wherefore ἤνεγκεν should be translated, had endured [previous to His will to show His wrath.] By this very circumstance the question, who hath resisted? Romans 9:19, is most powerfully refuted.—...
Enduring it, the saint is tested, proved; for, "blessed," writes James (1:12) "is the man that endures temptation," or trial. And Peter assures us (1 Peter 1:7), that the trial of our faith is much more precious than that of gold which perishes, though that gold has been ...
ii. 保罗回答罗马书6:15提出来的问题时,清楚阐明:作为信徒,我们的主人发生了改变。就算偶然性的犯罪,基督徒也必须与之争战,因为我们当为新主人作工,也当在他之下作工。我们若为以前的主人效劳,是不得当的。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com...
ii. 属灵恩赐是按照圣灵的斟酌赐给人的。哥林多前书12:11说,这一切都是这位圣灵所运行,随己意分给各人的。 iii. 懂得这一点,就仿佛竖起一道不可逾越的拦阻,应当阻挡住运用属灵恩赐的骄傲。然而,人却因为内心的败坏,在属灵恩赐上找到骄傲的借口,顽固地高举人,说上帝赐给他们何等大的恩赐。
That is why we boast among God’s churches about your perseverance and faith in the face of all the persecution and affliction you are enduring. / All this is clear evidence of God’s righteous judgment. And so you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffer...
and continually recalling before our God and Father your work of faith, your labor of love, and your enduring hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.Hebrews 13:15Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that confess His name.Psalm 34:3...
b.断乎不是!保罗当然不是废了律法。使徒在罗马书第四章将会阐明,律法是在期待因信称义,在遵行律法之外的福音来到。因此,福音是坚固律法,应验了其自身的预言。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com