LaTeX: Extract numbers and letters from command variables and conversion to roman numerals 97 Convert a number into a Roman numeral in JavaScript 15 Roman numerals to integers 4 Can Roman Numerals be printed instead of an int? 32 Convert roman numerals to numbers in R 3 Roman Numeral To...
25 Using unicode Roman numerals in XeTeX 9 How do I get a chapter \ref in counting numbers when the ToC uses Roman numerals? 4 How to display Arabic numerals with \ref but Roman numerals otherwise? 11 How to separate Roman numerals for a range of numbers? 12 Lower-case roman numerals...
\documentclass{article} \usepackage[spanish.lcroman]{babel} \begin{document} hello I \makeatletter\@roman\c@page \end{document} and the output: Note, however, that the spanish-babel package warns you that lowercase roman numerals are an ortographic error in Spanish: Share Improve ...
2 I'm making a legal document, using an enumitem to number clauses, in the first clause I want a table of definitions. For some reason this combination causes another itemize with roman numerals to stick out the left hand side of the table cell a bit. How can I fix ...
I've recently read about a middle age variation on roman numerals where the last "i" character is replaced by a "j". I was thinking about writing my own \roman and \Roman variations, but hit a stone wall... does anyone have any idea how one may go about doing something like this?
I want to suspend and resume an enumerated list, with Roman numerals. I am using the enumerate and mdwlist packages and have the following: \begin{enumerate}[I] \item Item \item Item \suspend{enumerate} Text in between... \resume{enumerate} \item Item \item Item \end{enumerate} But ...
I can't, however, get the numerals in the list to b Roman numerals - they are still Arabic numerals. I've tried making a custom enotez-list as per the package instructions. This works for e.g. \textsuperscript{#1} but whatever I try I can't get a Roman numeral function to play...
Moreover, the list will be left-aligned and in roman numerals surrounded by bracket. My MWE is the following: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enumitem} \setlist{leftmargin=\parindent, itemindent=\dimexpr\labelwidth+\labelsep+\parindent, align=left,nosep, listparinden...
Traditional Spanish typography discourages the use of lowercase Roman numerals. The manual justifies this choice referencing the book José Martínez de Sousa, Diccionario de tipografía y del libro, Madrid, Paraninfo, 3.a ed., 1992. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Oct 12, 2021 at ...
\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{enumerate} % line 2 %\usepackage{enumitem} % line 3 \begin{document} \begin{enumerate}[(i)] % line 6 %\begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] % line 7 \item one \item two \end{enumerate} \end{document} and gives me something like i. one ii. tw...