MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { Macros: { TagSide: "left", equationNumbers: {formatNumber: function (n) {return \Roman{*}}} } } }); in a tex section in your MathJax.Hub.Config() call. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Jul 15, 2017 at 15:48 David Carlisle 786k7070 gol...
1 Roman numeral page numbers not increasing 1 Custom environments with referencing Hot Network Questions Is it bad to ask for accommodations for disability when PhD supervisor might be in bereavement? An Extremely Simple Programming Language I have a 10 month old bloodhound, how can I train...
in the filemwe.idx. As a consequence,makeindex mweorxindex mweproduce an empty filemwe.ind. Moreover, if you usexindex mwe, the programxindexfails with the bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got nil...
However, when I changed to latex interpreter, I could not change the font. I have looked for answers for a while, I found this:
Adding leading zero to figure numbers How is God's omnipotence compatible with His inability to sin/do evil? Why don't we see other countries testing missiles on a regular basis with public announcements? How to Type Complex Infinity Symbol in LaTeX? Is there a difference between "fl...
how to use times new roman font in latex interpretterCan you give some information about your system (linux/mac/windows, 32/64 bit, MATLAB version) ...Hello. I face the same problem when I change manually (from the figure editor) the font to Times New Roman, with latex interpreter. I...
The direction of flow of the major deep-water masses (Antarctic Intermediate Water AAIW, North Atlantic Deep Water NADW and Antarctic Bottom Water AABW) is shown in the inset. The inset shows the potential density (colored scale) and potential temperature (indicated by the numbers in °C and...
Roman numerals in page numbers are required in the front matter of the thesis. But if I write \frontmatter in the ERT then on some pages the page numbers appear in roman numerals while on the others pages they do not. How can roman numerals in as page numbers be limited only in the ...
1 How to move titles in TOC due to special numbering? 1 Table of Contents overlapping type 1 list of figures space after figure name? See more linked questions Related 14 Typesetting Roman numerals within LaTeX text 6 Page number on the left with book class 8 roman numbers too wide ...
\Romannum{1} for Uppercase roman numbers. For example suppose that we want to write this sentence. ten million people died between WWI and WWII. We write in Latex: ten million people died between WW\Romannum{1} and WW\Romannum{2}. Also, the package changes the page numbering, so to...