牛津大学历史教授彼得•H.威尔逊(Peter H.Wilson)的这本The Holy Roman Empire: A Thousand Years of Europe's History《神圣罗马帝国:一千年的欧洲史》是一本集大成的研究神圣罗马帝国的学术专著,涵盖了帝国从800年兴起于查理曼帝国起,直到1806年灭亡的历史进程。书中对帝国的缘起、背后的政治思想演变、帝国的组...
Welcome back to The World of An Altar of Indignities, the blog series in which we are taking a look at some of the research that went into our latest novel set in the Roman Empire. If you missed Part IV on food and dining in Roman society, you can read that by CLICKING HERE. In ...
It would later become the capital of the empire for over one thousand years; for this reason the later Eastern Empire would come to be known as the Byzantine Empire. His more immediate political legacy was that, in leaving the empire to his sons, he replaced Diocletian’s tetrarchy (...
Almbjr, MartinScandia
《Roman Power:A Thousand Years of Empire》作者:Cambridge University Press,出版社:2019年2月,ISBN:。TheRomanEmpirewasoneofthelargestandmostenduringinw
Empire must if not worship, at keast honor the Roman gods ehich came to include the Emperor. One group that had troube with this were theJews. In the early years of the Republic, Romans took all this very seriously. By the time of the Empire, many Romans dud theur civic duty, but...
Of course, daily life differed greatly depending upon not only whereabouts in the empire you lived, but also who you were. For those living in Rome itself, the heart of the empire and the grandest of all cities, life could be very different to the rest of the population living out inthe...
Roman mythology is the combination of the beliefs, rituals, legends, stories and the observances of supernatural occurrences by the ancient Romans from early periods, during the formation and development of Roman civilization, until Christianity replaced the native religions of the Roman Empire. The re...
The Fall of the Roman EmpireFor over 1,200 years, the Roman Empire was the most powerful force on Earth. But afteryears of triumph, it started to fall apart until it eventually collapsed in C.E. 467. Formany years, historians have debated how and why this ancient superpower suddenly fell...
The Games were held from August 25 to Sept. 11. The Italian's built new stadiums and renovated some sporting facilities which amply met the technical requirements and demands. Several places of historic interest from the ancient empire had been restored and were included among the sporting facilit...