The Roman Empire or imperial period (the time of the Roman emperors), is quite precisely stated to have lasted 503 years; beginning with the accession of Octavian/Augustus in 27 BC, through to the fall ofRomulus Augustus (also known by his nickname, Augustulus), the last emperor in the W...
During a happy period of more than fourscore years, the public administration was conducted by the virtue and abilities of Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, and the two Antonines. 前面叙述了罗马帝国的鼎盛之势,这里开始慢慢拉近镜头,叙述特定时间内的历史。作者仍旧是用了 virtue、abilities 这样的抽象名词,并且还...
The Fall of the Roman Empire: Directed by Anthony Mann. With Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, Alec Guinness, James Mason. The death of Marcus Aurelius leads to a succession crisis, in which the deceased emperor's son, Commodus, demonstrates that he is unwilli
, covers 1,500 years, from the pinnacle of roman power around the year 180 ad, through to the collapse of the western empire to the final fall of its last outpost, the city of constantinople, in 1453. edward ...
The Fall of the Roman EmpireFor over 1,200 years, the Roman Empire was the most powerful force on Earth. But afteryears of triumph, it started to fall apart until it eventually collapsed in C.E. 467. Formany years, historians have debated how and why this ancient superpower suddenly fell...
This medieval Roman Empire, 这个中世纪罗马帝国, which we usually refer to today as the Byzantine Empire, 现今我们认知的拜占庭帝国, began in 330 CE. 始于公元 330 年。 That’s when Constantine, the first Christian emperor, 第一位基督教皇帝康士坦丁 ...
D The Roman Colosseum(罗马圆形大剧场) ,built around two thousand years ago,survived a 14th century earthquake and most of the 150-somefoot high building is still standing. It has seen the rise and fall of enormous structures as well as the Roman Empire. Why could the ancient structure stand...
The situation of the Roman Empire became dire in 235 CE, when emperor Alexander Severus was murdered by his own troops after defeat by Germanic tribes. In the years following the emperor’s death, generals of the Roman army fought each other for control of the Empire, and neglected their du...
Within 10 years of the beginning of his conquests, he died of fever, and the lack of heirs broke his fledgling empire into several pieces. The eastern section of Asia Minor's governing fell to Seleucus and his Seleucid Dynasty, which would remain intact until the Romans interfered some 2 ...
This medieval Roman Empire, 这个中世纪罗马帝国, which we usually refer to today as the Byzantine Empire, 现今我们认知的拜占庭帝国, began in 330 CE. 始于公元 330 年。 That’s when Constantine, the first Christian emperor, 第一位基督教皇帝康士坦丁 ...