Caligula- Roman Emperor who succeeded Tiberius and whose uncontrolled passions resulted in manifest insanity; noted for his cruelty and tyranny; was assassinated (12-41) Gaius,Gaius Caesar Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
28 March 365 to 9 August 366 Valens Killed in battle September 365 to 27 May 366 Procopius Usurper; executed by Valens 24 August 367 to 383 Gratianus co-Emperor with Valentinian II (375 to 392); assassinated 19 January 379 to 17 January 395 Theodosius I The Great Co-Emperor in the wes...
AD 41; Conspiracy led by Cassius Chaerea assassinated him Caligula Uncle of Caligulalast person able to read ancient Etruscanoversaw conquest of BritainTiberius NarcissusAD 49; Married his niece Agrippina the YoungerAgrippina poisoned his son Britannicus as well as this emperor Claudius Son of ...
Finally, Diocletian’s split of the Empire in 293 CE into four administrative regions, each with a regional capital, left Rome out, and in 330 CE, the emperor Constantine permanently moved the capital of the empire to his new city of Constantinople, built at the site of the older Greek ci...
Emperor Domitian (reign A.D. 81 to 96) was also assassinated during the so-called Pax Romana. The most enduring military conquest made after the death of Augustus came during the reign of Emperor Claudius, who ruled from A.D. 41 to 54. He and his successor, Nero, succeeded in ...
I, Claudius is a historical novel written by Robert Graves but presented as if it is an autobiography by Roman Emperor Claudius. The novel was published in 1934 and is considered a classic piece of 20th-century literature.Answer and Explanation: The novel I, Claudius by Robert Graves is not...
Domitian's reign marks a new epoch in imperialism: his autocratic spirit stands half-way between the Augustan principate and the absolute monarchy of Diocletian. Domitian, the last of the "twelve Caesars" (Suetonius), was assassinated September 18, 96 A.D. The soldiers amid civil war had ...
-The first emperor in 100 years to end the chaotic-ness which was the Third Century of civil war, the struggles of power, economic depression which resulted in an empire falling apart after Pax Romana and the end of the reign of Marcus Aurelius (180 AD). Was the emperor right before Con...
Placing all power in the hands of one talented person was Rome's best bet to get people to cooperate again and be able to maintain its dominance over the world An Emperorof Rome, i.e. the rule of one man, though problematic,would put an end to the constant civil wars andprovide ...
oMountHaemus.31Deciusollowedthemthroughadiicult country,andbyorcedmarches;butwhenheimaginedhimselata considerabledistanceromtherearotheGoths,Cnivaturned withrapiduryonhispursuers.ThecampotheRomanswas surprisedandpillaged,and,ortheirsttime,theiremperor ...