This infographic shows the relationship between currency debasement and the assassination of Roman EmperorsJeff Desjardins
“He was a cunning, ruthless politician who knew how to play both sides,” Barry Strauss, author of Ten Caesars: Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine, says of Octavian. Ancient Empires Watch the three-episode documentary event, Ancient Empires. Available to stream now. WATCH NOW Mary ...
Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy:A non-Destructive Probe of Formation History in Extraterrestrial Samples RUBICON, THE TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC/THE ASSASSINATION OF JULIUS CAESAR. A PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF ANCIENT ROME/EMPERORS DON'T DIE IN ... AS Mcleod,G Dominguez,Z Gainsforth,......
The powerful Roman empire became a mirror of civilization of authority, strength to fear, dictatorship, and voraciousness. These powerful aristocrats were emperors, sat on the top of Rome’s social order, but many of these emperors abused their status and ability. Roman emperors’ history was ...
10. The Might of Julius Caesar When Gaius Julius Caesar took on the role of general in the Roman Republic army, he came across as a man of many talents. From his early days of being part of the First Triumvirate along with Pompey and Crassus, to becoming a dictator after defeating the...
I am Antony, Caesar’s beloved friend and the person who admired him the most. I believed Caesar’s assassination was not justified. The reason why Caesar was killed did not seem fair. He was accused of being ambitious and a Tyrant and thus my friend was murdered. Ambition would lead Cae...
The popular image of the early Roman emperors is marked by notions of unbridled sexuality and moral decadence. It is the work of the imperial biographer Suetonius more than any other that has given rise to this image. His biographies include reports about the sex lives of the emperors that ...
The Roman Empire offers many examples of posthumous character assassination. Since it was a risky business to antagonize living emperors, critics usually aimed their arrows at those rulers who were safely dead. Yet that did not make their attacks any less vicious—rather the opposite. The ...
Important for the understanding of his character and behaviour is his identification withAlexander the Great. Admiration of the great Macedonian was not unusual among Roman emperors, but, in the case of Caracalla, Alexander became anobsessionthat proved to be ludicrous and grotesque. He adopted cloth...
Publius Helvius Pertinax was a Roman emperor from January to March 193. The son of a freed slave, Pertinax taught school, then entered the army, commanding units in Syria, in Britain, and on the Danube and the Rhine. He earned distinction during the grea